• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 28th, 2023


  • I’m kind of a fat-ass (5’11" 235 lbs.) with the 'betes, so I also sleep with a fan. I find the fan isn’t quite enough, so I try to keep the temp in the appartment below 70°F (66-68°F ideally). I like to read before bed to get myself “out of my own head”, preferabbly something interesting but not too interesting like Neitzsche, Oliver Sachs, David Graeber.

  • The first season stuck mostly to the first book. The second season was based on about 1/3 of the third book and 2/3 of stuff they pulled out of their ass, which is probably why it seems so disjointed. They hardly touched the second book, which focused on how corporate captured governments start wars to maintain the military industrial complex.