For a long time — like probably into the 2000s — LSU’s Tiger Stadium had dorm rooms because when Huey Long couldn’t get funding approved for a football stadium, he got money for dorms approved and built one dorm in the shape of a football stadium.
For a long time — like probably into the 2000s — LSU’s Tiger Stadium had dorm rooms because when Huey Long couldn’t get funding approved for a football stadium, he got money for dorms approved and built one dorm in the shape of a football stadium.
Underestimate Swifties at your peril. Live Nation-Ticketmaster has been a loathed monopoly for years and they screwed up one Taylor Swift sale and there were Congressional hearings and a lawsuit filed by the Department of Justice joined by 30 states’ Attorneys General.
Is there a UK Lawyers group for every place the UK’s colonial legacy has resulted in seemingly endless conflicts or just Israel?
Anything Elon Musk can track is probably a security risk until he stops being the most divorced person to ever exist.
Laziness is the number one skill anyone innovative should have. Whoever invented the wheel definitely didn’t do it because they liked work. It was because they hated it knew there had to be a better way.
So, what we really need is lazier inventors. Only then will we get lazier robots.
Dude, I love China and its people and have been there several times. I obviously don’t approve of everything but some of the funniest, most kindhearted people on Earth are in China. I’m not sure there’s a place on Earth I’d rather have a meal with some regular citizens.
But just follow The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. Taipei can be wrong too. But those laws took like centuries of stupid wars and, ultimately, diplomacy, to establish. Even if you want to change them, it’ll require diplomacy and cooperation, not hosing down some Filipino fishermen.
This is ancient history and will probably make me sound older than dirt but when Ubuntu first came out, it felt so easy to install and use. I don’t know that any of the innovations were wholly theirs as other distros were trying the same stuff. But it was the first distro I used that really tried to make it all easy and it felt like a complete OS.
Fedora Core was doing the same stuff and now, we have tons of tools but whether you like it today or not, the early Ubuntu releases were like, “Holy shit. I can partition from the Live CD? What is this witchcraft?” Debian obviously was the core project but little niceties were rare on Linux back then. I did want to install multimedia codecs when I was a teen. I did need guidance and documentation.
Not defending Snaps or whatever here but early Ubuntu was user-friendly and made it easy to transition off Windows ME or whatever was dominant and shitty back then.
A separate shoutout to Chrunchbang for customization and minimalism. That was probably the distro that got me hardcore hooked on Linux. I had enough experience at that point to not need hand holding but it was cool out of the box.
Whom amongst us hasn’t accepted concert tickets from a conservative German aristocrat?
Also, a technicality but once a country abolishes nobility, the noun becomes “pretender” not “aristocrat.” I know keeping track of titles is complicated but it’s only polite to use the correct terms.
Another way to help the service industry would be to make medicinal cocaine (and similar) a tax deductible business expense. It’s a more valid business expense than a programmer buying a third monitor.
Or how about banning the practice of making the bartenders/waitresses tip out the bar back or bus boys when they should all just be getting paid a living wage by their employer. That would also be good for tipped employees.
I don’t care what his background is, if a guy who looks like Boris Johnson tried to sell me uranium, I’d call security and ask how he got into the building.
Maybe add a spoiler alert next time. Jeez.
“Alive” is a strong word for someone with a robotic heart and no soul.
I’ll never forget during COVID when I learned Denmark had more mink than people and had to do a cull and it went very poorly. I assumed Denmark was a pretty normal place and then one day, they were like, “OK, so we have 17 million mink.” Like, what the fuck?
It was like finding out your seemingly most normal friend runs a Pokémon card funded crime syndicate that smuggles mini ponies or something where you’re like, “I’m not mad yet. I’m confused. But I reserve the right to be mad. What were you doing with 17 million mink?”
If you ask a historian “How would you assess Winston Churchill?” and they criticize the concept of fighting fascism and not, like, the Bengal famine, strategic decisions, imperialism, drinking up all the gin, etc. then maybe you aren’t talking to an actual historian.
Claiming to be able to make massive cuts without cutting national defense, Social Security/Medicare, or loads of basic government stuff (like the U.S. Mint, patent office, passport services, etc.) is how you know this will never happen.
Every conservative comes to Washington ready to cut whole departments and then learns the Department of Energy manages the nuclear weapons stockpile and the entire National Park system is a rounding error on a B-2 bomber order.
I went to high school during peace time — that used to be a thing way back when — and I think my school required it for ROTC but maybe it was more of a strong suggestion rather than a requirement.
We also had possibly the worst possible system for military recruiters. You had to choose between the regular P.E. class, weight lifting (if you played a sport), and ROTC. The end result was that ROTC was always like 2% committed future service members (who would have joined the military with or without high school ROTC) and 98% awkward people avoiding sports at all cost. (Or the worst fate of all, 1st hour PE so you were the person who smelled like stanky teen gym clothes in every one of your classes.)
Well, at least he has the memories. Maybe. Grandpa has good days and bad days now.
Yep. Thanks for catching that. I meant NIH, the U.S. National Institutes of Health and accidentally combined it with HHS (the U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services that NIH is an agency within) and that was apparently too many acronyms.
I’ve read my limit of articles this month. Is it because Trump’s policies are the same as Herbert Hover’s, he hires the stupidest people on Earth, and his brain is already 80% smooth goo and the remaining 20% is about golf courses and Ivanka being in Maxim?
I don’t think it’s about abortion. I think they decided allowing a transgender teen to exist is “dismembering children” even if surgery for trans teens barely ever happens IRL. If they were actually worried about gender affirming surgery for minors, they’d want to ban nose jobs and fake tits too. So, it’s just part of the general trans moral panic amongst conservatives and “Won’t someone please think of the children?” bullshit that always accompanies moral panics even if children aren’t involved.
I’m cis but my understanding is that even trans adults find getting access to gender affirming healthcare is a huge, expensive ordeal. Philosophy Tube had a good video on her experience in the UK and I sincerely doubt it’s any easier in America’s labyrinthian, absurdly expensive non-system. It’s definitely not like parents are swinging by the urgent care to get their 13 year-olds free bottom surgery.