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Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • I’d correct myself if I was wrong. But only the most ignorant would try and claim that the Iranian regime isn’t directly responsible for the conditions in Gaza Right now. Hamas is Iranian regime controlled and supported, and Gazans support Hamas. Being intentionally ignorant about the context doesn’t help the situation.

    Once the Palestinians choose peace over hate, peace will be had. Letting ignorance and misinformation spread like you’ve been the victim of only leads to more suffering.

  • How is there a false equivalence between Jews being locked out in the 40s and Jews being locked out today? It’s clearly happened on multiple campuses and has been documented by more than a few pro Israel groups.

    I’m not misplacing anything or confused here. This is one thing I think Biden is getting right LoL, these aren’t protests. Protests are needed, these are crossing multiple lines in multiple locations and in many cases are not protests at all any longer.

    There’s way more people being killed in a lot of places right now. Have you considered what’s prompting this now? When the region was on the verge of widespread peace? After a half dozen countries turned away from war and chose peace and the biggest player in the region was about to follow. Have you considered that this isn’t the organic Movement that you harken to the past as your examples? I’m assuming you’ve seen the publication linking the funding for these protests together. Were the students protesting against Vietnam all using tents provided by the Vietnamese? You’ve surely noticed that coincidence right?

    Stop killing people…by supporting the people who kill people for not being in lock step with them really seems to be an interesting approach. I’m doubtful it’ll work, we’re seeing the people funding this mess step up their public hangings and jailing all while being cheered by the very people they’ve sworn to kill so ya, crazy really is the flavour of the day.

    The White western saviours have really established themselves as useful idiots here. It’s fascinating having a foot in both worlds listening to people actively involved on both sides and watching the utter stupidity breaking out in America that’s disconnected from reality. Crazy really is the only way frame it.

  • I mean…we have witness of this happening in the 40s, with Jews being locked out of American schools. Dunno if you’ve seen that photo going around but it’s pretty striking.

    We’ve got witness of it 30 years later when the students in Iran were on the streets calling for change (change that led to my family having to flee) so we know for sure that students can and definitely will be wrong at times.

    The students could be right today, if they are they sure have lined up with some of the worst people this world has to offer, with the regime in Iran, Hamas and Russia lining up to support. I’m fascinated by the Saudis coming to the defense of Israel and American kids protesting against Israel right now. If you told me this would happen twenty years ago I’d have thought you were crazy. Turns out crazy is the flavour of the day.

  • Columbia should continue to expel students who breach the code of conduct. They’ve started with that person who went on the unhinged rant and that’s a good start.

    College is supposed to prepare you for real life. Real life has consequences.

    Protesting is an important part of democracy, what we’re seeing clearly goes beyond protesting and is a clear violation of the school rules in many places.

    It does seem that the protests that haven’t evolved into hate filled homeless camps are having better success negotiating with the various schools they’re pushing to change. It’s odd that the other camps aren’t taking notice and following suit. Talking this out is going to bring much more favorable outcomes than barricading buildings.

  • What a stupid take. Israel is the homeland of the Jewish people, it’s intractable from the Jewish people. Don’t be so ignorant. Next week Jews will celebrate the return to their homeland from exile in Egypt, they’ve been doing so for thousands of years.

    Your understanding of indigeneity doesn’t come close to the established academic or real world understanding of it. If the Greeks had remained in Crimea, maintained the language and culture like the Jews have done then yes they’d absolutely be considered indigenous. There are a dozen examples of these sorts of people’s across the MENA region, they’re all indigenous, not the Arab invaders who forcibly colonised the land.