RedSnt 👓♂️🖥️

Born 1983, He/him, Danish AuDD introvert that’s surfed the internet since he was a tween.

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • I wasn’t even aware it came from latin, but that makes perfect sense. But it’s weird how it was considered bad up until this late in history, but it wasn’t until 1938 that someone patented the smudge-free ballpoint pen. I imagine that smudging with your left hand as you wrote must’ve been very irritating and wasteful for hundreds of years, and thus it became a sadistic ritual to “right wrongs”.
    Here in Denmark we called that type of schooling “sorte skole” (black school, an expression from the mid 1500s, where schools were run by religious institutions, so perhaps it’s a reference to their clothing?), and it didn’t matter if you understood the subject or not, you just had to memorize it and do things correctly, even writing with ones right hand.

    Dictionary lookup on google translate

  • It’s referencing a coping mechanism when you lose in team-based multiplayer games to blame other team-mates instead of looking inward and accepting you might be the problem.
    “GG” is short for good game, it’s basically the polite online equivalent to a handshake after a sports match, or any competition really.
    “No heals” is the blaming of ones team for not helping out, in this case healing which is often done by a designated healer class which a player can pick in the game. Purpose of this class is replenishing health points to other fellow team members, something which is needed to give the team a better chance of winning as the opposing team is trying to kill you.
    So logically, if the healing is either bad or lacking, one could surmise that “no heals” is a valid criticism, but “it takes two to tango” as the saying goes, and if you run away from the healer, out of their range or too far into enemy territory that the healer can’t help you without dying themself, then the problem isn’t the healer - it’s you.

  • Do you think they’ll go through the hassle of sharing that information to all of those threads?

    I can’t predict the future, I can only say that I personally have shared comments (with links) that I found insightful before, and I’d hope others would do the same if it was important enough. And sure, time on this earth is limited, but when I want to know something I trawl many comment sections to get a better picture.
    Would it be easier to gather important tips if there were less sublemmies? Yes, undoubtedly, but my original point about redundancy, as the instances are all hosted different places in the world, is also a positive thing.

  • Jeg så “The Color Purple” fra 2023 og den var fin, men jeg fortrød at jeg ikke så den originale fra 1985. Handler om livet for en sort kvinde i USA i starten af 1900 tallet frem til omkring anden verdenskrig.
    I går så jeg “Ghost in the Shell” fra 2017 med Pilou Asbæk og Scarlett Johansson. Jeg er ret stor fan af anime’en og især Stand Alone Complex serien fra 2002, så jeg sprang oprindeligt live-action filmen over i 2017 fordi jeg havde svært ved at se hvordan de kunne gøre det godt. Men filmen er fin. Hvis man ikke kender historien så tror jeg ikke man får super meget ud af den, der er meget lidt fokus på siderollerne, det er stort set kun Batou og Major man følger, med størst fokus på Major. Hvis nu de ikke havde hyret Scarlett Johansson som hovedrollen, der var mellem Black Widow film på det tidspunkt, så kunne jeg egentlig godt havde set en efterfølger, fordi de skabte en fin nok verden som de kunne have gjort større i nye film, så det er lidt en skam at det ikke blev til mere… Men der er mange film som aldrig bliver til mere, jeg savner stadig en Tintin 2 efter 2011 filmen.

    Spillede lidt Disco Elysium, men jeg en forfærdelig min-max natur til måden jeg spiller på, så jeg genstarter hele tiden for at gå efter et bestemt build.

    Derudover har jeg brugt lidt tid på at gøre linux kde lidt pænere. Fandt en glimrende widget: Panel colorizer, som kan en masse seje ting. Samt Smart Video Wallpaper Reborn, som man kan gætte sig til fungerer som wallpaper engine ved at afspille en video på ens skribebordsbaggrund. Begge lavet af samme gut, hvilket er imponerende imo.

    Resultatet af weekendens hårde arbejde 🫩