What if you’re wearing several layers of each in mixed order?
What if you’re wearing several layers of each in mixed order?
Sadly, probably not.
Trump Brand Concentration Camp is very apt. It succinctly expresses that the whole thing exists only for his personal monetary gain and he’s escalating to extremes for his grift.
Wie, keine 36h Dauercoverage für den ultimativen Stressfaktor?
You guys still have a liberry?
There’s only one way. We have to Esurance it.
There’s a middle ground. Not talking won’t convince anyone, either.
But realizing that certain people are bad people because they express their values through certain votes is important.
E. g. you can not attend the roast and cite their political views as the reason, especially with the recent (and constant) hate on immigrants. That doesn’t mean they’re cut off.
I assume you’re not in the crosshair of Trump policy once he gets elected? Because for some people threats to their life and voting Trump are about the same thing.
You continue to tolerate your family tolerating and even choosing hate and bigotry, even if they themselves don’t exhibit them to your face. Your uncle IS a bad person.
I always wonder what “no reduction in pay” means. Do they refer to monthly compensation or hourly rates?
Presented in the new fashion of choice: Derelicte.
I’m so sad that the meme deteriorated. The original Hooty McOwlface was more complex, but the hivemind made it stupid. Boaty McBoatface should have been e. g. Horny McBoatface.
Well, it turns out they both tell me I’m a little too fat.
That’s every publisher’s wet dream. AI’s almost ready, right?
god I wanna see them fail so badly.
It’s not a circle, it’s a spiral!
But LCD sound cool, too. Twisting crystals so they become opaque or transparent.
Centralized storage of pirated content is a problem. You want p2p to continue, otherwise it’s suddenly very easy to deprive all of those streaming sites of content.