Three raccoons in a trench coat. I talk politics and furries.

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  • 79 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • Maybe this will come off as armchair psychology, but I really believe that part of what motivates conservative, and especially far-right sentiment in men is just sexual frustration.

    We’ve seen so many instances of Nazis being outed as gay or as chasers, so many incels who blame women for all the ills of the world, and so many guys who have a “blacked” or “white extinction” fetish are staunchly racist.

    We can respond in a number of ways to rejection, or any other negative experience for that matter, and some people respond with aggression.

    Women don’t find me attractive? Well it must be either their or society’s fault. Or maybe the blacks are at fault for taking all the white women.

    I can’t be gay in my religion or conservative social circle? Well the gays must be sinful groomers then, and should be second class citizens or outright eradicated.

    Once again this is probably just armchair psychology on my part, but this may be part of why we’re seeing conservatism increase among young men as younger generations are having less sex.

  • What’s the Y axis for the middle graph?

    That’s the percentage of kids who’ve reported some kind of sexual violence.

    Also only having 3 data points in such a brief window doesn’t really say much.

    I disagree because it’s not really just about these YRBS surveys, it’s the whole pattern. When we consider how conservatives are the only ones voting in favor of child marriage, and how pundits and randos on the internet will defend teen pregnancy, even if it was just one survey that showed a difference between red and blue states that would just be confirmation of a pattern that’s already pretty obvious, and we should seriously ask why their ideology leads to this kind of stuff, and how to remedy it. Even if it’s just a 2% point increase, this means that hundreds of thousands of children could be saved from abuse if conservatism was less prevalent.

    Finally the grouping metric of “won majority of presidential elections from 2000 to 2020” isn’t clear and isn’t necessarily reflexive of policy. A more appropriate metric might be the party of the governor or the majority parties of their chambers.

    There’s really no definitive metric for “red” vs. “blue” states, so while presidential election results will obviously reflect the politics of the people in that state, I do agree that it’s not a thorough measure - but this same pattern holds even when using other measures of political affiliation.

    I say this because I have some additional context here, as these graphs are part of an article I’m writing about the “pedocon” theory, and I can tell you that this same pattern shows up regardless of how we measure politics or CSA. Whether it’s polling on how many people identify as Republicans vs. Democrats, or liberals vs. conservatives, or left-wing vs. right-wing, this correlation is still there. Looking at governor or chambers specifically could be an interesting addition, but I fully expect the same pattern to hold.