I assume people decided it had the vibe of accusing Ukraine of being underhanded (it’s not, but internet gonna internet)
I assume people decided it had the vibe of accusing Ukraine of being underhanded (it’s not, but internet gonna internet)
As well as spreading and planting seeds, clearing competing plants, and providing water and nutrients.
Chickens are the most numerous bird on the planet, wheat covers more land area than any other plant.
Ukrainian nuclear weapons aren’t a credible threat to Russia, for the same reason Russia’s aren’t to Ukraine: It isn’t under an immediate threat of being wiped out, just losing territory. I think this is aimed more at the United States, trying to pressure them into keeping up or increasing aid with the threat of nuclear proliferation (as Japan, Taiwan and Saudi Arabia have done). There is also the possibility that in a Trump administration, loss of US aid could turn the war back into an existential threat where nuclear weapons could be used.
I evolutionary terms being edible to humans is quite useful.
Couldn’t find it
Is there any country that doesn’t suck?
Edit: Found it, “Actually existing socialism”
A grad is being sent to your location
It’s been well reported on that Russia doesn’t work like that, with junior officers unable to use initiative and the whole system being very slow to respond to changing events. The reason it operates like this was shown when they did try having a more independent unit, which resulted in the Wagner Group mutinying.
That’s standard in Western militaries. It means units aren’t paralyzed by unexpected circumstances while they wait for communication to go up and down the chain of command, and it improves resilience if communications or senior officers are incapacitated.
Trump needs lead water pipes to get votes.
The electoral college exists to give slave states more votes.
Plus, rural folks are not major emitters, so it doesn’t really make much sense to even try to find meaningful emission savings there.
“On average, cities and large towns produce about four tonnes of CO2 per capita, compared with more than six tonnes elsewhere in the UK”
“between 1.5 to 3 gallons per mile”, for those wondering
The classic “Buy a reputable brand, cut costs and coast along on the reputation until you can sell off all your shares and move on to another company”. Bonus points for using legalised embezzlement share buyback.
More often dictators take control of the church and use it for propaganda.
Total coincidence they picked someone Jewish for their conspiracies about bankers secretly controlling the world.