Hey my local bar sells doughnuts!
Hey my local bar sells doughnuts!
I’ve always had my lower limit for how young I’d date as “she has to be older than my brother”. But my brother is only 3 years younger than me so that’s becoming less and less relevant as he’s pushing into his mid 20s now haha
This is the big reason I have such strong feelings about pushing kids into a competitive space. Whether that’s sports, chess, marching band, etc. Just as long as there is structured practice and then competition against another person or team.
Because sports really will teach kids that no matter how hard you practice, sometimes you just won’t win. And that’s okay. The important thing isn’t winning every time, it’s getting back up and pushing even harder when you lose to win next time.
Its a critically important thing for people to learn, and I can’t think of a better and safer place than youth sports.
Its partially because there is only one set of antennas large enough to communicate with it, and that’s only sometimes. Its called the Deep space network and it is very secure because it’s used for many things, not just communicating with the Voyager probes.
Second, you’d have to have very very intimate knowledge of the hardware, and programming language to even begin to hack it. And the people who do have that knowledge are very very passionate about their probes.
So I guess technically the answer is yes. But practically, no.
Stop trying to make V’ger happen! Its not going to happen!
Yeah that’s what the updates are for haha
I think this is what people forget about Avatar. It was never supposed to be the best writing or the best story. It was purely just to show off incredible ground breaking CGI technology. Seeing it in IMAX was a damn near religious experience, but watching on a TV at home just doesn’t do it justice.
the spider verse movies are basically Sony riding the wake of the Tom Holland hype
But they also have some of the most incredible visuals I’ve ever seen in an animated movie. I still maintain that the second one could be watched entirely on mute, and you could still understand the story.
Honestly, any of the Monty Python movies. I know people love them, and they have a few funny jokes. But man are they ever drab, I just can’t get into them.
You mean all three? The second one came out in 2022.
Idk Andor is some of the best star wars ever. Even considering the original 3.
Also the lightsaber tech that they have adds so much to the visuals of the movies and TV. Having lightsabers that actually glow AND allow for contact during combat is just incredible.
I would argue that while they aren’t good, they are fun. I like to call them “shut your brain off movies”, and I totally get why people wouldn’t like them.
Like Fast and Furious for example. It doesn’t have a good story, or writing, or really even great acting. But it does have some really great scenes of cool cars going really fast and sometimes I like to just sit and relax and watch that kind of stuff. At least up till like 5 or maybe 6. Then it starts to get a little too weird for me.
Omni-directional antennas?
California. In blind tests California wines do just as well (or even better depending on the vintage) as French or Italian wines
But i will miss my actually drinkable whiskey…
I mean I guess that’s fair, but Rouge One and Andor are peak star wars. And if you don’t wanna watch them just cause they happened under Disney then you’re missing out