I have no idea what I’m talking about but would that be enough to replace the magnetosphere? From what I understand, a Magnetosphere is needed to have a sustainable colony, unless this has been disproved recently …
I have no idea what I’m talking about but would that be enough to replace the magnetosphere? From what I understand, a Magnetosphere is needed to have a sustainable colony, unless this has been disproved recently …
I don’t feel like I have to discuss with someone who clearly is in bad faith.
Go learn about a subject before talking about it, that’s it. All you said was petulant bullshit. Go read La conquete du pain or something before talking about anarchy, you clearly have no idea what you are talking about and instead are reugitating speudo-intellectual word salad.
If you’re so fragile you feel you need to block me, i have no words for you other than : go touch grass, go read about your subjet and come back a better person.
I wish you well!
I never said anything like that. I never said i beleived in anarchy. You just are factually wrong on all counts.
Go read the anarchist philosophers, you’ll see what I mean.
You are still writing word salad by the way… Really … Touch grass, read a book about the subject you want to talk about and come back a changed person!
I wish you well!
Well, I don’t understand why you think anarchist means no rules.
It means no hierarchy.
It’s even the whole word itself.
An-Archy. Hier-archy.
So your thesis is based on wrong assumptions and is a word salad from my point of view.
Hahaha yeah, kinda bad I guess!
We need a few specialists to teach well me guessing
You! You get it!
People forget that when revolutionary France happened, soldiers helped open the doors of the bastille.
So, leftists must operate in cells with distributed expertise. Leftists need people able to operate weapon, but more than that, they need to convince the imperial soldier that their cause is just. That’s the hard part.
Oh! Did the same thing in ds2 and still got permabanned! They might have gotten their shit together! TIl!
Yeah you are screwed. Japanese cie don’t give a flogging flock about it, you can try and contact them but they will not do anything.
If you really want to play with the online component, get it on another service like epic or somesuch but … it’s a lot of money to counter their fascistic right to mess with what you paid for …
If I may, what do you think got you banned ?
… Turning ?!
You can’t.
You wait until the game is on sale and then you buy another copy if you really want.
Or you play with the coop mod with friends.
Yeah! It’s fascinating seeing both types of post from trumpidor the first. That said … I wonder how that works in our material world.
I mean - from my point of view and analysis, trumpidor is either an actor playing the role of a floundering politician or a floundering politician.
If he is an actor, most of what I see starts to make sense. He has a team, he works with other, he’s mostly a Muppet with other imperialist hands up his ass and so he must be pitied as he is not his own man.
If he is not … Everything becomes more complicated as he’s most likely only a demented old man in an untenable position, trying his best to stay afloat in the sea of shit he is himself creating. It’s at best a real attempt at disturbing the uncomfortable status quo and at worst, elder abuse.
But I’m to get back to the subject, what I am really wondering is how it would work in real life if he had a team writing these. How can these people sleep at night ? Who are they ? Where do they come from ? Why don’t they talk / whistleblower / boast about it ?
Keeping secret is hard …
So maybe we are just seeing trumpidor in moments of lucidity and then in rage/drugs/stress induced moments ?
It’s so hard to guess from so far away …
Serious teams know that building big software is hard and that starting by having a set deadline is the first failure point of a project.
Serious team wants a set budget and feature set. They also want a dialog with the aquiring party, because as you dig deeper in the software you uncover oddities. These oddities are more often than not a failure of the aquiring party understanding of their own business operations.
And thus, a serious team will help the aquiring party refine their business process by either removing useless steps, adding missings steps or changing a step in the overall workflow. And that’s were the most of the value of making a new software comes from.
Doing waterfall will stop this from happening and will remove actual value from the software because it’s going to be bloated with useless things that were badly understood by the aquiring party.
Agile is about producing as much value as possible, as fast as possible, in a set budget.
English is my third language so sorry if it’s hard to understand or feel aggressive.