NothingOS is really not very good
NothingOS is really not very good
Nør for military communication. Just for public info
There is a reason the Russian government allow the use of it and even let their military use it - and it is not due to security! They have a backdoor into the chats and UAE it actively for listening in on things and spreading propaganda and disinformation.
Hvis det skal lukkes fordi unge kvinder udskammea på platformen, så tænker jeg de skal smutte forbi en af socialdemokratisk ungdoms fester eller deres egne parti fester for den saga skyld. Eller hvad med en fest hos vennerne i 3F 😂 skal de “platforme” så også lukkes ned?
Jooks like a road toy for kids playing with matchbox cars
You might think that this is different with apple - it is not.
What do you mean? This service from google is for android devices and hence google devices.
This is what apple has done for years but nobody complainted
Slack is crap and matter most has mimicked all its worst parts.
Lua is used as built-in language in more and more apps. I use it on a daily basis for configuring and extending neovim
I need it for normal desktop use. Email, coding, browsing (no gaming)
I need it to be completely without fans due to the location where I need it.
Yes i would say 1000-1200euro tops for the budget with option to add more ram later. Would you think i3 is enough? I am not too familiar with the newer generations
Even having it there tells le that privacy is not a primary focus.
What a joke - calling itself privacy first with one hand while offering openAI integration with the other
It just javascript - the bloat part is Implicitly there when talking about js/TS.
+1 for Joplin. Works really great and has some good plugins if you need to extend it.
Der er en hel del butikker der har åbent hele påsken, så det er ikke som i gamle dage hvor alt var lukket.
Necromancer bliver til en serie nu. Desværre laves den af Apple TV, så mine forventninger er ikke så høje (har man set The Silo, så ved man hvordan de kan smadre en god scifi)
IPhone fanbois getting mad