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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: March 4th, 2024


  • I just wanted to add that I’m pretty sure Trump is jealous that Putin has something that he doesn’t… owning an entire country.

    He wants to be like Putin and Kim Jong Un and is playing some warped version of “keeping up with the Joneses” to the detriment of our entire country. It’s a disgusting display of self absorption I never thought possible.

    That’s literally it. He’s going to try to become a dictator so he can boost his fucking ego and not be ‘outdone’ by someone else.

  • You are definitely right that this is a manipulative move on Trump’s part to make Biden look bad and get out if this debate.

    But aren’t most people in their 80’s on a bunch of drugs anyway? Like blood pressure pills, cholesterol medicine, diuretics, arthritis medication etc? I’m not trying to stereotype older folks, but every person I’ve met over 60 seems to take a lot of pills… that help them live and perform actions they couldn’t otherwise.

  • Reddit is going to end up just being trolls arguing with bots and corporate shills… if it isn’t already. I haven’t been there in a long time, but I’m fairly confident in that assessment.

    What i really wonder about is how long a site can profit off of the majority of activity coming from bots. I’m not tech savvy enough to know if the analytics can tell the difference between a bot posting and a person. How long can that go on before the site stops being profitable via ads? Will companies pay to advertise to bots? Would they even know? It’s kinda funny to think about honestly.

    It’ll be really interesting to see how reddit’s downfall comes to be though.

  • Even out here in the rural areas people who have these ridiculous, oversized, luxery trucks aren’t using them for actual work. I guess that was kinda my point. People who haul stuff want something affordable that can take a bit of a beating. Not some gas guzzling humongous thing that doesn’t even offer more hauling space.
    Those trucks are definitely not being built for work. I hate them because finding a decent work truck that won’t bankrupt me is becoming a huge hassle.

  • I think a lot of us have been eating less in general due to how expensive food is right now, and that includes meat so that’s a win I guess?

    Semi joking aside that’s a very reasonable approach to this problem. For some reason people like my parents “need” beef or some kind of meat with every meal, which is expensive and caused my mom to get gout. Yet her diet stays the same. There’s very little middle ground with people on this topic, so it’s refreshing to see someone suggesting we just eat less of it.

  • American here looking to buy a truck that’s not absurdly oversized and over priced. I need it to haul hay and bring garbage to the dump. I save a couple hundred a year for bringing my own garbage instead of doing trash pick up, and hay deliveries cost way more than they used to.
    Plus my rural area requires driving everywhere and the winters are pretty bad so a 4 wheel drive vehicle is good to have for going to work or emergencies.
    I’m looking into those tiny Japanese kei trucks as a potential alternative if I can’t find something that’s reasonable though.

  • Unfortunately in the US running for president has serious financial barriers. Even the wealthy people who run need to appeal to corporate sponsors(I personally call this corruption, but the Supreme Court apparently decided it’s not.)

    I don’t know how we are ever going to get a decent human being as a candidate until that changes, and I don’t know how to change it. We can vote, but only for whoever has money, and none of those candidates seem to even acknowledge this is a very serious problem. It’s not even on their political radar, so it’s not a talking point.

    Plus, even if a decent, non corrupt person managed to make it to the primaries and win… the electoral college could just vote the corrupt candidate in anyway.

    Sorry rest of the world… I wish our system wasn’t totally fucked.

  • I like the way you think! I’m cisgender but would totally accept homogender. Plus, homogender homosapien has a nice ring to it.

    I honestly think the only way the word cis would be allowed on twitter is if some moron decided to weaponize it and start calling trans folks cisphobic or something. Then act like it’s some sort of brilliant “gotcha” moment because these people are not only genuinely stupid but also hellbent on embodying all the worst parts of humanity.

    Only then would the butthole licker of trolls known as Elon Musk accept term.