• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • Hatte glaub nur einmal ähnlich viel Schnee gehabt, denk so um 2004 rum?

    In der Einfahrt zu unserer Wohngegend ist auch kein Winterdienst und da bin ich auch gestern Abend erstmal mit dem Auto liegen geblieben. Heute fast 3 Stunden geräumt, in der Zeit durfte die ganze Nachbarschaft auch 3 weitere Autos die festsaßen befreien. Heut Nacht gefriert erstmal alles bei -15°C.

    Es ist schon mehr als Schneefall, nicht umsonst ist beim DWD für die Region rote Warnstufe angegeben. Ich vermute mal die Feuerwehren und Räumdienste würden das Ganze auch als eher in Richtung Schneechaos deklarieren.
    Die Öffis sind ja zum Teil auch lahmgelegt und der Flughafen ist bis Sonntag ebenfalls gesperrt.
    Am Flughafen hat sich ein geparkter Privatjet auch aufgestellt durch den Schnee am Heck

    Wenn man in einer geräumten Gegend wohnt kann man schon zurücklehnen und sich im warmen gemütlich machen.

  • A lot of the games you tried are on gamepass, including hitman world of assassination.
    There are some others aswell, like Aragami 2, sniper elite and plague tale.Might be worth just trying gamepass for 10€ for a month or to see if you can buy a trial key for cheap somewhere, to test the games.

    Another game I can recommend but it is a bit different genre is Outlast:Trials. It is a stealth game but if you fail you have to escape and hide. Though this game is pretty explicit with nudity, violence and gore

  • JanoRis@kbin.socialtoFediverse@lemmy.worldGDPR
    1 year ago

    Have been asking this myself lately.
    People always seem to get defensive about this topic, but if an instance gets challenged on a GDPR investigation it could have a huge fine associated to it.
    It is good to have this sorted out, so instance owners don’t enter a life changing financial risk.

    Currently we probably are too small and fly under the radar, but this could become a big problem as the fediverse scales.

    Issues I wonder about:

    1. How safe is the Fediverse? Is there a way for a federated instance to misuse the user data? Or can such activity be detected and cause a defedaration.
    2. How easily can all user data be deleted if a request comes in to remove all personal data? Wouldn’t that request have to be extended to all instances your instance is currently federated with?
    3. Instances probably wouldn’t be able to handle a bad actor (for example Meta, or spez) that decides to start a mass request attack.
    4. Corporations have lawyers that deal with this stuff, I don’t feel like most instance owners have the same kind of protection here.

  • Replying through my kbin since i can’t reply to kbin from lemmy.world right now for a reason:

    It’s not actually my reddit api pull. As far as I understand the code, in a regular time intervall the newest post and comment are pulled to obtain the per minute data.
    Not sure if that info is directly obtained from the reddit api, or if they use a comment/post ID to calculate the difference between each sampling point. Am not that good at coding myself.

    But yeah i think that reddit could manipulate that data without issues.

    There are some paying traffic monitoring sites that apparently showed a dip of 20% too (Reported here). They also report that the average time spent and session counts went down by 14% and 8%. Since this data is not obtained from reddit directly I think it might be a bit more representative

  • I don’t plan on going back since I just can’t condone how Reddit management handled the whole issue, but there is one thing I wonder why it is not a possible solution for 3rd party apps:

    Wouldn’t it be possible to ask the userbase to just get the API key themselves?
    If every user of a 3rd party app has their own API key, they won’t have to pay anything won’t they, since it will be hard to reach the free tier limit.
    And even if a user does reach the limit he can get a couple thousands API calls for just a small number of cents.

    Reddit will be still getting the same number of API calls, but it won’t be the responsibility of the 3rdparty dev but on each user if the limit is reached

  • I am really happy with my Asus Zenphone 9. The best feature is the long battery life. If i wanted i could use the phone for ~72h, though I usually charge it to 80% and charge the phone every 2 days instead.

    The Battery Life was my main buying point, the aux and smaller size were important though too.
    It also has an actual gimble for camera stabilisation in the lense instead of the typical stabilization through a sensor, though i guess it is more of a gimmick. I myself don’t take that many action shots where this could be useful, so I can’t really give any info if it is better than the usual way of stabilization.
    Since it is an Asus phone I think it also is pretty powerful and power efficient for mobile gaming if that interests you (I don’t care about that).

    End of this Month they will also reveal the Zenphone 10, so maybe this might also be a possible phone to check out. I bought mine also directly release last year since I was looking for a new phone around that time. It was bundled with a chromebook that I was able to resell so it was a nice deal in comparison to other comparable phones.