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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: January 18th, 2024


  • For the Meta apologists, I have a reality check for you:

    Threads was immediately subject to mass amounts of radicalizing, extremist content, and there have also been instances of users having personal information doxxed on Threads due to Meta’s information-harvesting practices. [1]

    Threads was marketed to be open to ‘free speech’ (read: hate speech and misinformation) and encouraged the Far-Right movement to join, who have spread extremism, hate, and harassment on Threads already. [2] Threads has been a hotbed of Israel-Palestine misinformation/propaganda. [3] They also fired fact-checkers just prior to Threads’ launch. [1]

    As already established, Meta also assisted in genocide! [4]

    Meta/FB/Instagram also have a strong history of facilitating the spread of misinformation and extremism, which contributed to the January 6th insurrection attempt. [5], [6]

    This really should be obvious by now… but Meta mines and sells their user’s information.[7] Just look at the permissions you have to grant them for Threads…

    FB users have to agree to all sorts of unethical things in the TOS, including giving Meta permission to run unethical experiments on their users without informed consent. [8] Their first published research was where they manipulated users’ feeds with positive or negative information, in order to see if it affected their mood. It did, and they successfully induced depression in many of their users!

    I will now turn to an article that surmises well the core practices of Meta as a company:

    • Elevates disinformation campaigns and conspiracy theories from the extremist fringes into the mainstream, fostering, among other effects, the resurgent anti-vaccination movement, broad-based questioning of basic public health measures in response to COVID-19, and the proliferation of the Big Lie of 2020—that the presidential election was stolen through voter fraud [16];

    • Empowers bullies of every size, from cyber-bullying in schools, to dictators who use the platform to spread disinformation, censor their critics, perpetuate violence, and instigate genocide;

    • Defrauds both advertisers and newsrooms, systematically and globally, with falsified video engagement and user activity statistics;

    • Reflects an apparent political agenda espoused by a small core of corporate leaders, who actively impede or overrule the adoption of good governance;

    • Brandishes its monopolistic power to preserve a social media landscape absent meaningful regulatory oversight, privacy protections, safety measures, or corporate citizenship; and

    • Disrupts intellectual and civil discourse, at scale and by design. [9]

  • Who all is arguing in support of Left-Wing extremism? Other than select instances, most users on lemmy do not by any means support tankies. I for one can’t stand them.

    They can be just as out of touch with reality as a MAGA extremist, but to say both sides are the same is blatantly false. Far-Right extremism is spreading across the globe and it threatens and takes lives and destroys family systems.

  • Allow me to enlighten you by illustrating how both sides are absolutely not the same

    Some highlights:

    There is a stark difference in the means with which the two groups engage in acts of extremism. In a study evaluating Left-Wing and Right-Wing domestic extremism between 1994 and 2020, there was one fatality as the result of Left-Wing extremism, versus 329 fatalities resulting from Far Right extremism in that 25 year period. [5]

    The Far-Right movement is the oldest and most deadly form of domestic terrorism in the United States, and The Anti-Defamation League Center on Extremism found that the Far-Right is responsible for 98% of extremist murders in the U.S. [24] Furthermore, for nearly every year since 2011, Far-Right terrorist attacks/plots have accounted for over half of all terror attacks/plots in the United States. [21]

    In the U.S., Right-Wing extremism was responsible for two-thirds of all failed, foiled, or successful terror attacks in 2019, and was responsible for 90% of attacks in the first half of 2020 alone. [21] Since 2013, Far-Right extremism has been responsible for more terror attacks/plots than the Left-Wing, ethnonationalism, or religiously motivated attacks/plots. [21]


    These are excerpts from a blog post of mine, but I have ads turned off and do not benefit in any way from it.

  • I missed that part of their post…

    I just want to add that we all are deeply, inherently flawed people, and life presents an endless pursuit and opportunity for personal growth. We never stop growing as a person until our final developmental stage; death.

    One thing that gives me hope in challenging times (including currently/this last year of my life…) was something an undergrad psychology professor drilled into me:

    You cannot have personal growth without hardship; without struggle.

    I’ve repeated this to myself practically as a mantra in trying to rebuild my life after covid nearly destroyed it last year.

    We can’t grow as a person without struggling, and we end up stronger and more resilient on the other side.

    Even when challenging our own beliefs and trying to maintain a reflective equilibrium, we must persevere through the unpleasant internal physiological tension from cognitive dissonance.

    Personal growth isn’t just difficult, but it develops from difficulty.

    OP shouldn’t view themselves as pathetic; they should view themselves as growing as a person. We all have plenty of room to grow and improve.

  • I’m currently working on my masters in clinical mental health counseling and the concept of parts very deeply resonated with me. I couldn’t believe it was never really discussed in my undergrad education.

    Dr. Richard Schwartz conceptualized Internal Family Systems (IFS) and there are a lot of great videos and podcasts of Dr. Schwartz discussing IFS and parts. Despite it’s name, IFS is very much relevant to an individual, not merely a family systems approach.

    Breaking from viewing the Self from a mono-mind perspective to a parts approach just makes so much sense. A way it was explained to me was thinking of dissociative identity disorder (multiple personalities) but not to a pathological extreme.

    We all have different parts of our Self, and they will surface at different times (e.g., protector part surfacing when someone threatens us), and that accounts for rapid behavior shifts that we all have at times/have witnessed.

    As for your writing, it can absolutely be both therapeutic and serve as a means to deeply reflect and develop our ideas and personal philosophies. I enjoy writing too for those very reasons, and I enjoyed creating a blog for that express purpose. This masters program occupies my free time to the degree that I can’t really focus on it at the moment, but I’m sure I’ll feel like passionately exploring and developing topics there again in the future.

    Here is the last post I made, discussing animal cognition, culture, and personhood.

    As for properly citing sources, I’d recommend utilizing the citation machine. it really simplifies things.