Thanks! I’m definitely talking to people around me. I’m even having stickers made to put on my car and bins etc. so hopefully that will trigger some conversations as well.
Thanks! I’m definitely talking to people around me. I’m even having stickers made to put on my car and bins etc. so hopefully that will trigger some conversations as well.
Yes it’s probably too playful for the corporate type people. Sorry about that! I misinterpted the public a bit
Very well done and remember every step is worth it! It doesn’t need to be perfect, but together we can do it!
I have an e-mail adres with my domain name, but my personal mail is still Gmail. However I’m looking into changing that. I’m thinking about proton mail but I’m not sure yet. I’m trying to do research into what’s best long term.
Thanks! I love it! Even though I wrote the blog post I’m unfortunately allergic to wool 🙈 but I wish I could wear it! But the o’neills shirts would definitely be good for me, less wool more cotton LOL
You’re right, but I feel “regular social media companies” can do this on their own networks too, but pretend they don’t.
I don’t really feel I need protecting from the Fediverse, more from the “regular” social networks
Thanks! That’s a good idea, that way I wouldn’t have to use it a lot and still can inform people.