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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023

  • Part of it is propaganda. And not just western propaganda. The way Marxist Leninism aped the communist aesthetic while being specifically NOT COMMUNISM. Heavily tarnished the image of communism outright. It’s social oppression and wildly anti democratic nature is a big turn off to most people.

    That gave ample ammunition to western actors. Handing them a ready made narrative to build on to smear communism. ML will shout about how the west is oppressive and often anti democratic. And they aren’t wrong. But that doesn’t excuse the actions of ML governments. And really doesn’t speak well of their own ideology. If we want to get rid of oppressive anti democratic governments. Why would we want to switch to a different oppressive anti democratic government. It doesn’t really fix the problem. It’s a lateral transition. Not a transition up.

    Pragmatically I trend Dejacque Libertarian and anarco communist. To get others to understand you have to decouple parasites like ML first. And that’s only to get started. Then you have to run them through a lot of heavily simplified poly-sci. Pretty much reprogramming a number of purposeful misconceptions drilled into people. Which, if they aren’t interested in the first place. Is pointless.

    Best case is to avoid using a lot of the propagandized terms. Explaining the concepts through basic concepts.

  • Eldritch@lemmy.worldtopolitics @lemmy.worldCNN's debate was no fair fight
    2 days ago

    History, procedure, common sense, and logic all said that was what was going to happen. They didn’t cancel the primaries. They never started the primaries. A lot of states started holding primaries assuming the incumbent wasn’t running again. But that was never the case. Biden never said that he was only going to run the one time and not again. People in his orbit discussed that he might do that. But that was nothing that he said or that they ever committed to.

    You and I are welcome to believe this what he should have done. But historically if an incumbent decides to run for another Term. No party ever Has primaried them. We can criticize Biden on not telegraphing that well enough. That’s fair. We can absolutely criticized Biden on things like that. But policy-wise and as far as his administration goes. He’s been fairly popular and consequential. Despite the one really big issue which seems to be all people want to talk about ignoring the fascist in the room.

  • If all debates for like that one. I would not miss a single debate. He cut through the b******* and got straight to the answers or not answers as the case may be. Which is what a debate moderator should do. A debate moderator is not intended to be a personified a cue card. The Talking Heads at CNN failed even harder than I ever thought they could with their moderation.

  • This is actual hardware. Yes simple arm cores can pretty faithfully emulate much of this. But that’s emulation. These are bespoke devices, built from actual old chips. Offering a level of comparability and predictability emulation can’t always achieve. It isn’t for everyone.

    Adrian Black ended up with a non functioning unit sent to him by a viewer that bought one. The seller rather than pay for postage for the broken one to be sent back to China just told them to keep it and sent them a replacement instead. Adrian ends up troubleshooting and fixing it but you can get a pretty good look at everything going on inside and some of the old chips involved.

  • That could just be down to the author and their aptitude. Lot of people writing field guides aren’t exactly scientifically minded or trained. Because fungus really are kind of anti plants in many ways. It’s sort of like the distinction between fruits and vegetable for tomatoes. For most people tomatoes have always been and will always be vegetables. Despite having long been classified scientifically as a fruit. And pineapples are berries.

  • Or if you’re someone who uses speech to text on your phone. Nearly every system that I’ve ever used asterisks out everything after the first letter. It can be a lot of extra effort to go back and fill the fucks in. But if there’s one fucking thing worth doing fucking right. Fucking filling out those fat fucking fucks is fucking it. It’s one of the most fucking versatile words on the planet. It can be a fucking adjective, one of the most versatile verbs no matter what fucked up tense you choose, and even a motherfucking noun.