[https://lemm.ee/post/52726909] This Post about a site called freesewing.org seems relevant
[https://lemm.ee/post/52726909] This Post about a site called freesewing.org seems relevant
doesn’t seem like it needs to increase the electric usage by that much, you only need a RasberryPi or equivalent to run the server, and you control everything with your phone… the outlets and solenoids shouldn’t need much power to do their thing. I saw earlier today how many options for EVs are available in South America (anywhere outside the US imperial core, actually) and it was a bit shocking. The conversion to EV business seems like a great idea - especially if they can standardize replacement parts that would be amazing.
Home assistant is great for home automation stuff like lights and cameras and AC and such but for controlling your water system you might want something less complex / more purpose-designed. There are many arduino-based projects for doing exactly what you’re looking for - https://arduinogetstarted.com/tutorials/arduino-automatic-irrigation-system or https://www.instructables.com/Automatic-Plant-Watering-System-Using-Soil-Moistur/ are two i just looked up real quick. I’m sure it would be possible with assistant as well though if you just wanted to centralize.
The idea of the family is so pernicious when it is used to justify abuse and avoiding responsibility and consequences of bad behavior. Cutting people off when they’re consistently being harmful assholes shouldn’t be contigent upon blood relation or any other kind of personal or group association and all the people selling “family is forever” or “traditional family values” are doing it because they themselves are the abusive asshole that doesn’t want to be cut out
moving soon and I hope the new neighbors aren’t like that :P (the homophobes, i meant - the ones in the article souns amazing)
that’s cool. might be super effective to throw stuff up like that around outside lands while it’s on, if you’re able to plan that far ahead. is this right in front of mozilla & xitter? lol
I really enjoyed this book, it definitely helped kindle something in my spirit to seek change more actively
i’ve never seen an ancap who doesn’t want to be king of his own however-small kingdom, and most are straight up frustrated warlords. be very careful