Bei wissenschaftlichen Stellen wird aber auch die Abhängigkeit vom Doktorvater/betreuenden Professor von der Uni ausgenutzt. Man braucht den Abschluß oder die Paper. Hier gibts kein Druckmittel, außer die Person begibt sich parallel zusätzlich in so ein Abhängigkeitsverhältnis. Ohne das ist das wirklich eine klassische Stelle im öffentlichen Dienst.
Even that is a very American way of thinking. The number of gun shot wounds a police officer sees in the US is way higher than in comparable European countries.
I could not find exact data for wounds, but if you take gun fatalities as placeholder (I am sure they are connected) here:
You can see that precovid (2019) in the US there were 63x more gun fatalities than in Germany per person. In an average 1 million person city the police in the US has to deal with about 32 gun fatalities. In Germany that city has 1 every other year, in Australia it is 1-2 every year.
While the fictional US police department has every two weeks one or more fatality, the fictional German and Australian see it once a year.
So the frequency of it occuring and it being written about is way higher in the US than in comparable countries.
(Of course the comparing the amount of firearm fatalities between countries is not an exact replacement for gun shot wounds, but it should be close)