• 2 Posts
Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: March 23rd, 2024


  • Hey that was mind opening, I never thought about how many different trees I could build and the implications of each… It was always like “I think I could build it this way let’s do it …” and most of the times for “difficult” projects after a couple of failed attempts and start over it would come out fine . It is really interesting the process with which you professionally chose the best one ,im not at a high enough level to be able to replicate the things you said but I can understand the decision you took and why, the likelihood of failure is something nobody teaches on the regular Internet …
    We are definitely built different I hate sanding so much I take in count fractions of mm and I usually account for the shrinking/growing of the object related to the shape filament and direction of prints …😅(Approximation from past prints) I still have to do it but at least I couldn’t have done better … I’m definitely guilty of the last one 😂😂😂 that might be the reason most of my projects end up broken 😅 Yeah the π one is a great advice too it’s an approssimation so its logical that curves that should match don’t …

  • A good design from an engineering prospective doesn’t use 3d printing to print a pipe … It implements already existing pipes and adapt the design … It’s the concept of this type of manufacturing that we are questioning Let’s take as an example a standard plastic chair Yah you could 3d print it but they don’t, Heck you could buy a solid 1*1m of plastic and machine it out but that’s not done either, why? because stamping it in a mold is way cheaper way faster and way easier right ? The point is to find the manufacturing method that solves your problem the cheapest fastest and better way possible so if you want a straight plastic pipe for any reason you should just buy a pipe it’s way cheaper than the filament it’s water tight without imperfections stronger in any direction and if you want it to be close just print some caps … 3d printing, taking in count the length of time to produce one item and the relatively high cost of production should be reserved for objects that you can’t cheaply fabricate in any other way …

    I’m not saying you should throw away your already printed tube just keep in mind next time that if you need a big square plastic box maybe you should consider buying it instead of waiting 8 days to 3d print it … (Unfortunately this is not a random example… A friend of mine insisted that I 3d printed a box for him … )