CyborgMarx [any, any]

  • 5 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2020

  • They’re confusing migration (violent or otherwise) and imperial urban rule with settler displacement and the annihilationism that goes with it

    Also the defining character of settler colonialism has been its use of industrialization and market building to shore up a racialized ideology and vice versa

    That was rarely or never the case with the old empires which were agrarian tribute systems that usually relied on their subject peoples being semi autonomous to relive pressure on imperial bureaucracy, that’s not to say there wasn’t settlers, it simply means the ruling mode of production didn’t always cater or center around them

    For instance, if the Roman Empire had been settler colonialist in the capitalist sense of today, Greek wouldn’t have remained the lingua franca of the eastern half of the empire, and every Roman emperor would’ve remained an Italian or “ethnic” Roman

  • Honestly dude if I lost a debate as hard as you did I wouldn’t be spouting this psychobabble diarrhea

    you believe in stuff and that’s bad cause I don’t believe in anything” is never the place you want to be in a discussion, you basically admitted you have no clue what the fuck you’re talking about and because your opponent does that somehow makes them mentally ill??? jesse-wtf

    Seriously get a grip

  • Capitalism in it’s true form was “I give you this, you give me that”

    So you believe capitalism existed all the way back during the neolithic and beyond, were cavemen “true capitalists”? Capital isn’t a set of goods simply traded between people, it’s circulating money tied to productive property or alienated assets

    Primitive exchange of goods requires the goods becoming the means and the ends even if money is an intermediary, under capitalism it’s capital (i.e. money) that becomes the end, while goods may or may not be the means of generation, and since money is the sole metric of success there must a set of people who work for capitalists to create that money and reproduce themselves, since goods are hidden behind said money

  • Religion in France is racialized as it is in most parts of the world, pretending otherwise is just a denial of reality and history, the French state couldn’t care less for secularism on its own merits, it only cares about religion in the context of the eternal “immigrant” communities who it refuses to actually integrate because of the continuous French colonial mindset and a 19th century conception of frenchness which is centered around white pan-europeanism

    If secularism was the point, the french state would have launched a social crusade against the Catholic church decades ago

    It’s not a coincidence the law was implemented in 2004 at the height of the war on terror