I don’t have much to say, so…hey there.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • I recently came dangerously close to having to use LinkedIn as my job was up in the air for awhile due to RTO shenanigans. I knew it was always a site for shilling but when I reactivated my account to update my resume, my God the amount of corporate back patting was insane. People I knew IRL as down to earth hardworking folks, were shilling so hard for a company that couldn’t give two fucks less who they are and were using every buzz word from the white-collar, salaried company bootlicker playbook in every post.

    Now, I know that’s “the game” and if you want to get ahead you have to play, so I can’t blame them for grinding, but at the same time, fuck that. I guess I’m fine being where I am and never moving up because I refuse to play that BS.

  • I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: We have a HUGE Apathy epidemic right now, and it mostly affects younger people (Gen Z on down mostly but some younger millennials too). I think this is mostly because they were born too late to realize that things don’t actually have to be this way and could in fact be better if people just…tried. But they’ve been beaten down and had the phrase “that’s just how it is/always been” beaten into them so much that they just stopped caring.