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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • For what it’s worth, a government can absolutely subsidized an industry in an attempt to capture a foreign market.

    There’s a reason Japan and Korea have their own auto industries despite being next door to the largest manufacturing nation on earth, and it isn’t because they’re somehow making and distributing them for even less than China.

    That being said, several automakers have blindfolded themselves about the type of cars people want. I do hope this threat is significant enough that automakers actually shift to mini-electric transportation options.

    If not, I’d be happy enough buying a small Chinese electric even if the taxes made it equivalent to a larger “western” vehicle. Because it’s what I want to have available to me and it’s nice to fuck capitalists with capitalism.

  • I’ve been getting the Samsung ‘plus’ models several years after they come out for a couple hundred bucks and still can’t find a reason to upgrade from the S10+

    New phones are way too expensive for a better camera and marginally faster apps, which would be entirely out matched by a dedicated camera at the same price.

    Surprise surprise, I also drive an old ranger that has aux but no Bluetooth so everything works out

  • People saw it, but if you remember Taxis before Uber it wasn’t exactly great either.

    No-shows, demanding flat rates double what the meter would charge/refusing service, various forms of harassment, etc.

    Turns out when there is very little competition, businesses treat their customers like shit.

    Uber definitely does some things better than traditional taxis. Things like work flexibility are great, but workers still need better protections and pay (aka, a union).

  • Paying workers more is inflationary, but raising the cost of goods because you control the supply chain is “business”

    Basically, raising product costs to cover increased labour costs are bad because actual workers are getting that money instead of the wealthy capital class.

    I wish people understood boycotting more. Sure 6 companies own everything, but remember when the cost of a barrel of oil went significantly negative because people weren’t driving for 2 weeks?

    If people collectively decided they didn’t want to buy anything but the absolute necessary staples for a few months there would be an absolute catastrophe in the supply chain and they’d be forced to lower prices significantly.

    They may not lower prices forever, but modern business is built entirely on supply chain logistics. If people stop buying anything, or buy things exclusively to return them we would see some serious changes

  • I am not sure what point you are trying to make, or how it relates to my comment/the article?

    Even if we’re talking about someone who simply lacks basic or any morals, that would make them even more susceptible to Greed.

    Especially when using a system specifically designed to provide them with vulnerable people who are mostly hidden from public and given less wages and rights, don’t know local laws, and are incredibly desperate.

    What a convenient coincidence, heartless Greed finds itself flush with unlimited desperate workers. Again.

  • Samurai champloo is a classic and contributed a ton to anime style, but maybe doesn’t hit as hard with plot as more recent creations. Fun and campy meets dark and gritty

    Inuyasha is another classic feudal Japan and magic environment

    May as well mention Afro Samurai if I’m gonna have a string of feudal Japan anime

    Most people look like they mentioned Cowboy bebop already

    I’m a huge Neon Genesis Evangelion fan, but originally watched it in the early 2000’s as a teenager with divorced parents so there’s probably a big nostalgia factor

    I absolutely loved cyberpunk edgerunners, but it’s only 10 episodes (watched this probably 5x already)

    The animated witcher movie + Castlevania (not nocturne though) were really good.

    Arcane + DOTA I found to be really enjoyable as well.

  • Have you seen the state of reality recently?

    “how things work” is, and always has been a suggestion. It used to be enforced, and recently enforcement has been entirely up to the opinions and personal beliefs of the enforcers. If there ever is an issue with this selective enforcement, there is unlimited wealth shielding selective enforcers from consequences.

    Trump personally may not be technically able to do anything as president elect for Ukraine support, but multiple cogs in government may suspiciously stop working preventing anything from getting done.

    Democrats believe in “how things are done” vs Republicans who believe “who is going to stop us when we’re in power”

    If you think you’re going to stop a Republican from doing what they want by pointing to pieces of paper, you haven’t been paying attention to the last decade.

  • You’re previous, brief, comment literally mentioned media fear mongering - apparently it was imaginary media fear mongering tied to an imaginary scenario involving millions of interactions between men and woment and only two rapes (not sure how media fear mongering ties into an imagined hypothetical.)

    You are all over the road bud.

    I’m saying that it’s not media that’s brainwashed women into believing some Rape bogeyman exists - Imaginary scenario or not.

    It’s that every single woman personally knows someone(s) who has been raped/roofied/sex assaulted/groped etc. and they don’t need media hype to come to the conclusion that being raped in any environment is always a possibility. This is a very sad fact that women live with every single day.

    Not sure how you perceived that as an accusation that you don’t believe in Rape

  • Most of the “fearmongering” is actually women talking about their experiences.

    When media fearmongers Rape, it’s mostly by informing the public about rapists being sentenced to very light sentences, or rapists facing no jail time, or violent rapists being released.

    Either that or they outright victim blame and discuss what someone was wearing, where they were, who they were with etc, basically inferring that if she was safely at home under a man’s protection, it wouldn’t be possible for her to be raped - so look at all the safety she threw away to be reckless (outside without a male partner) and have fun (literally existing while being a woman walking sex organ waiting to be claimed).

  • In this war the Israelis/IDF are the Nazis in control of Palestine from the outside, and Hamas are the Nazis in control inside Palestine. Palestinians are victims (not necessarily entirely innocent), but also not really given another option either. Palestinians are largely controlled by Hamas and everything is controlled by Israel, and both see Palestinians as pawns and human shields/targets.

    For the sake of discussion, I’ll ignore the fact that even if the Palestinian neighbours knew about the hostages and went to the IDF, they’d probably be tortured/killed just in case. So choosing not to alert the IDF isn’t necessarily support for Hamas, and could very well be an aversion to the IDF bombing and executing the shit out of your neighbours.

    The best way to survive is being invisible, and I wouldn’t blame someone for wanting to be invisible when the city they live in is a cage/prison that is being bombed to hell and both armies are very happy to kill Palestinians.

  • Sure, it’s just “good worker raises” that no other worker gets must be super difficult for the law to determine what is normal employment and business, and what is a bribe.

    Would be nice if they could force the trump org to justify why only these few, specific people are getting huge raises or sweetheart deals/bonuses.

    Chances are they have similar education and competence/accomplishments as non-bribed employees. Since everyone is working at similar levels they all should get double salaries and multi-million dollar severence, or have their families get high paying jobs simply for being related.

    If he didn’t bring enough bribes for everyone, than nobody gets any!

  • Honestly, in a good chunk of the videos the Russian soldiers injured by UAV will pop grenades on themselves rather than bleed out or experience Russian hospitality

    I’ve seen a fair bit of soldiers getting hit by UAVs, but they usually came out of damaged vehicles or are embedded in trenches and therefore participating in combat. But it totally makes sense to eliminate threats when Ukrainian troops are moving into that territory.

    It seems wasteful to kill a dieing soldier if no Ukrainians are entering the area anytime soon, especially if there are other healthy soldiers in the area to decommission

    Obviously this video has Ukrainian military actively in the war zone, and it totally makes sense to eliminate any threat with UAV instead of people.

    Not saying you’re wrong, but I can only comment on what I’ve seen

  • I totally understand why women would pick bear, as bear society doesn’t bend over backwards to victimize women.

    Most power structures cater to the people who abuse power. Police, church, courts, military, etc all tend to go crazy easy on men who abuse women.

    Republicans want to take away women’s rights/independence, limit/eliminate divorce, force birth for rape/incest. Police who assault women are protected and don’t face consequences, and most religions literally view women as a subspecies that serve men.

    Maybe the average man is totally normal and helpful, but the history of violence between men and women is like 98% men killing women with heaps of Rape, confinement, physical/mental abuse etc.

    The worst any Bear could do is kill someone in 1-2 minutes, maybe longer.

    It’s also an incredibly loaded situation in that being alone in the woods with a bear is “natural” and being alone in the woods with a strange man already sounds like a horror movie plot/murder news story.

    There’s also the constant “stranger danger” fear women will pretty much always experience because men can consistently and easily overpower most women. All women I have met seem to know at least one or more women who have been sexually assaulted, had their drink spiked etc, so it’s not some obsession with crime shows or scary movies driving this fear. It’s actual rapists prevalent in society and emboldened enough by lack of consequences to act.

    Even in cases where it seems obvious Rape happened, it’s a brutal gauntlet of gas lighting, victim blaming, “can’t ruin their life for a mistake”, etc that stop a huge amount of reporting and convictions.

    Going back to the question itself, answer ratios would probably change depending on the area, would women be less inclined to pick bear if they were in a library instead of the woods because it’s unnatural for a bear to be in that environment?

    People need to relax, and focus on the real story. Women have an incredibly long and valid list of reasons to be afraid of men and society needs to do better to make women feel safe

  • I doubt Russia cares, but it’s usually ‘better’ to have the injured return behind enemy lines

    Takes more manpower/resource to care for injured

    Other soldiers see what’s waiting for them, which is demoralizing

    Other soldiers may notice a lack of care for the wounded which is demoralizing

    People at home seeing large amounts of the population return without limbs, bringing the horrors of war to the population

    Injured person may not be so loyal to Russia anymore

    Obviously there are soldiers who have unique training/skills/knowledge that are hard to replace where their death is more beneficial for war. But for foot soldiers any injury that stops them from participating pays dividends.