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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: May 1st, 2024


  • Apparently it’s not just an American thing, but maybe other countries have more sense not to do it anymore.

    They’re usually in “high end” restaurants in big cities like Las Vegas. The ones I recall usually have the sinks somewhat separated from the stalls with a partition or turn, but they’re not wholly separate rooms. The motivations are probably more needing money, access to a fancy place, and being an extrovert than perversion - more windshield wiper gig than peeping Tom.

    I think it’s a combination of a holdover from another time that maybe was useful when they had an expanded role - they probably actually used to keep the bathroom clean, and some guys will shine shoes etc. - and tip-based service jobs they gave to poor people. I think they do get an hourly rate, but it’s probably below minimum wage for the same reasons waiting tables is.

  • Bathroom attendants - since people got all the high value stuff.

    I don’t mean people that clean the bathroom etc.

    I mean the guy that stands at the sink and makes awkward small talk before handing you a towel you could have got yourself and expects a tip.

    EDIT: Y’all I’m pretty sure no one’s having sex or shooting up in the bathroom at the fucking Eiffel Tower restaurant in Las Vegas … Coke - probably. I don’t know where anyone else has seen a bathroom attendant, but every place I’ve seen one at I’ve been wearing a suit…

  • I like the overall lack of bullshit psypost articles on Lemmy and would like to keep it that way.

    If you see a psypost article you should be suspicious.

    If you see a psypost article about a paper with a conclusion that you agree with you should be extra suspicious.

    EDIT: And now I’ve bothered to read the abstract of the paper and the first bit of the psypost article and they don’t say the same fucking thing.

    The journal article is saying they identified brain regions associated with fundamentalism by looking at brain lesions. There may be a seemingly obvious connection to say that the brain lesions caused the fundamentalism, but I don’t see them actually say that after skimming the full text. They focus on what regions are associated with fundamentalism using lesions as a tool to find them.

    The psypost article says in the first sentence the damage changes the likelihood of fundamentalism.