Not somewhere I had considered looking but we have one nearby, I’ll check it out
Not somewhere I had considered looking but we have one nearby, I’ll check it out
I was actually looking in to that last night. I’ll probably try it once but I do wonder if the time it would take would be worth the money saved.
This is a neat idea, I’ll give it a shot next time we have some!
We are very much not local, but I see they have some stuff 20% out so we might check it out! Thank you!
I’ve experienced that at a friend’s house and I don’t prefer it over just using our existing wax burner, if we are going to do something flameless. They were very pleasant smelling though!
This is the route that we go too actually, I just hate having to wait for sales haha
Honestly, we normally burn them for ~6-7 hours at a time when we light them. We both work from home and I’ll usually light it up the first time I get up from the computer. It doesn’t happen with nicer candles, but some of the cheaper 1 wick ones we get from Walmart or Aldi will tunnel like that even with the long burns.
Not my GPU but my friend’s. He has nothing but good things to say about it. $600 USD which translates to ~£540, but obviously buying it over there the price might be different .
That is possible, though from my limited experience (2 call centers) companies won’t tell Customer Service reps to deny knowledge of something that is public knowledge. They will have some sort of carefully constructed public statement instead. And most reps don’t care enough to do anything besides repeat the statement, possibly verbatim.
I’ve worked adjacent to customer service people in a call center. Honestly, they might not have known. Call centers are frequently terrible about giving their reps news BEFORE customers start calling in about it. Plus, low level call center reps generally aren’t exactly star employees and may or may not pay attention when told things.
I am assuming he won’t be able to go to bed at a decent time. I wake up at 6:30am most days and I know I couldn’t go to bed at 6:30pm. If he woke up at 3pm, it would be a tall order to fall asleep before ~4am I’d figure. Which gives him ~3 hours of sleep.
I can’t speak for OP, but some people sleep through alarms if they haven’t slept enough. My oldest will legit just sleep through his phone alarm if it has been less than 5 hours since he went to bed. I’ve just heard his alarm go off in his room for 20 minutes straight before I walk in there and shake him awake. Shit is a problem.
It was Epic exclusive on PC I believe
As somebody who used to weigh over 350 pounds, you need to be the thing that stops you. I promise, losing the weight is harder than just not buying that cake in the first place.
Obviously you do or else you wouldn’t live there
Very much not true. Moving to another country full time is not particularly easy for a lot of people.
Shame. I need to learn to program so I can help make it happen I guess haha
I was hoping for a way that would work when I link other people, not just for myself.
That said, I didn’t have this plugin and it is super useful overall. For sure has enhanced my Lemmy experience, thank you!
I have 3 step children (I am step dad) they were 13, 10 and 8 when I met them, currently 18, 15 and 12 (birthday soon). When I met them, the primary family activity they did with their bio dad was watching movies and playing video games. They also all slept with a TV on in their room. My girlfriend at the time, now wife, had nothing but an old xbox 360 for video games and they had an old CRT box TV in the bedroom the 3 kids shared. As a result, they did not watch a lot of TV at her house or play a lot of games.
Currently, we do not limit the screens of the 18 year old at all. He has a job and is moving out in <2 months, he can do what he wants with his free time as long as it is not disruptive to anybody else.
Our youngest REALLY likes video games. As a result, we let him play pretty much as much as he wants if he is not at school. That said, he is on 2 soccer teams (middle school and travel) and he works out extra at home. As a result, he usually has about 30 minutes of screen time a day during the school week. Plus he has his phone to play games on the school bus. He does not have Youtube or any streaming apps on his phone though. He is allowed to sleep with the TV on Friday nights only, to celebrate the school week being over. Weekends are screen heavy as well, except for tournament weekends or regular game days. Honestly he is a good and active child so we let him use more screens than would maybe be healthy. Summer is a bit different t, where we force him to go outside and play at least a few hours a day, but otherwise let him do what he wants, so lots of screens there.
Our middle child is not big in to screens, they like to draw and listen to music and use makeup kinda like face paint. They also play volleyball and are not home till 830 most school nights anyways. As a result, they probably only use ~3 or 4 hours of screens a week, not counting changing songs on Spotify.
If they were my bio kids and I’d been there their whole lives, I think they would all use screens less, except maybe the middle. As is, I am mostly glad it is no longer the primary form of entertainment for my middle child and that my youngest is so active.
Do you not have a kinoplex?
But pretty much only on [email protected]