gotta say, not a huge fan of using obvious “AI” art to promote this.
gotta say, not a huge fan of using obvious “AI” art to promote this.
And yet when Netflix was good the amount of people who pirated went down a ton. I was on that train. Just give me a service that isn’t outrageously expensive, has most of the content i want, and is more convenient than pirating and I’ll do it, as long as i have an income.
Time to see anime go back to being a niche thing for weebs only i guess
“means nothing” is quite the overstatement, i think most people who don’t use it have a general idea of approximately how much a foot is.
Then I’d say he has an even bigger issue, being an idiot
Yea this seems like the best way to support the site tbh. Let people who can afford it pay for running costs in exchange for benefits that don’t negatively affect free users. Much better than being beholden to people who have no interest in you providing a good service.
According to this article, the average temp for paper to ignite is ~230° C (or ~455° F, Fahrenheit 451 anyone?). Your PC will never reach those temps short of a serious electrical issue, and then you have bigger problems than a piece of paper burning up.
Now this is the kind of hard-hitting journalism I’m here for
Yea I’m using it for now, the community is very nice even if the founders are trash.
It’s not about emotions or morals though, it’s about how he’s treated. He’s obviously gonna have more privilege than any human.
He’s literally the king of the gods, don’t think how things are for humans has any impact on his behaviour.
Cave Johnson is that you?
And 12 and 16 years ago. Unfortunately they might break it for real this time.
Anyone who read the article care to enlighten the rest of us who refuse to click on such garbage clickbait?
Keep the ai slop to the ai communities please.
The factory i work at occasionally still uses them for delivering tests to the lab, pretty cool to hear them swish around in the pipes.
I wonder if that’s where the mass effect devs got the inspiration for the mass relay design
yea i don’t have a problem with people with issues having non-harmful outlets for their urges, even though i might consider those outlets distasteful.
Yea that’s been the main issue, not enough resources spent to get the immigrants to actually learn swedish and truly become part of society. Instead you get whole areas filled with people who don’t know the language and distrust the government and civil systems, which breeds a whole host of problems.
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