In principle it doesn’t matter what coin it was; their MSB rules are the same in any case, and they’ve done it with Bitcoin before.
How else could I rent an SMS service to talk to someone who’s being prosecuted, without being targeted just for daring to talk to him? Without having to rely on a company not to secretly give my information out behind my back, even if they weren’t actually legally required to?
If people want any sort of alternative to credit card payments and bank transfers, it has to have the privacy features of Monero. Open-ledger coins are even worse. People have recently been kidnapped and murdered for having too much Bitcoin, which anyone was able to see.
Public sentiment? It’s in line with what many people on r/CryptoCurrency seem to believe these days. They want a heuristic for what’s safe to buy during a bear market, and a popular one is ‘BTC and ETH are the two blue chips, everything else will fade away.’