Marxist-Leninist. Tankie. Based in the imperial vassal state of Japan.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • You’re not wrong, there is a LOT of political apathy from folks. Especially younger working age people who are just determined to get a job and keep their head down. If you join politically active groups that is obviously not the case, but those can be smaller.

    Do you mind if the resources are in Japanese, or is English preferable? I have more of the former, but some of the latter.

    1. I think a lot of people have unfortunately just kind of internalized the “China bad” propaganda, and have definitely internalized the “DPRK evil kidnappers” line. People very strongly do not want to be embroiled in a war and disagree with the leadership’s willingness to basically be a forward operating base for the US. If there is one thing you can usually find widespread support for in Japan (minus the fascists), it is not engaging in overseas military operations.

    However, there is a really encouraging silver lining here. While the older generations almost uniformly hate China, the younger generations increasingly say they have a positive view/affinity for China. I think a recent survey had something like 10% of the older generations had a positive view of China, while 40% of younger generations did. Especially among anyone that has traveled there. It’s a trend I hope continues.

    1. Realistically, I think they’d go socdem-liberal honestly, at least right away. If they could start to align more with China that would be great, but there would be some big changes needed internally here for that. For example, recognition of the atrocities comitted by Japan in the past. I think that kind of recognition and apology are possible though, existing political parties already hold that position.

    The Red Purges were so effective that there really isn’t much socialist ideology at a national level right now, even in the socialist and communist parties.

    1. Basically, yes. I think a lot of people in the cities don’t think about it, because out-of-sight is out of mind. But if you put the question to them, people at the very least seem to think the bases should be further outside residential areas. Every time the USian forces commit a crime, public sentiment worsens and never really recovers.

  • We exist! With the disclaimer that while I am not natively from Japan, I’ve lived here virtually my entire adult life, over 20 years now, and am naturalized. I am involved with local marxist groups.

    Interestingly, Marxism had and continues to have immense influence on intellectual traditions here. It really first came to Japan through universities, and a lot of that continues today. At least at the university and graduate level. A lot of the MEGA project work was done out of Japan, surprisingly enough. If the puppet government and the US hadn’t come down hard on post-war communists in Japan (see: Red Purge), I think it is very likely we would be a socialist state today.

    There is definitely a lot of resistance towards US influence that has grown in recent years, I won’t say it all comes from socialists as much as it comse from people who have just been disenfranchised with the US. This is especially true, unsurprisingly, in regions that are directly hosting military bases, particularly in Okinawa/Ryukyu. Which is basically double occupied by Japan and the US. Theft, sexual assaults, drunk incidents are all pretty common side effects. A helicopter actually lost pieces of the helicopter while flying over an elementary school not that long ago. These are all things that have a lot of people really fed up. All the hot dog and hamburger “Friendship Days” they host can’t really make up for these things.

    A big issue recently is the relocating of a US base closer to residential areas in Okinawa. Okinawa governor Tamaki refused, so Tokyo courts mandated that he had to approve the permits. The deadline came and went and the governor has refused to do so. While the permits did get rammed through eventually (the governor never caved, Tokyo just went over his head) he delayed everything about four years and significantly eroded public trust in Tokyo.

    I don’t necessarily think this is a sign of a full decoupling from the US, but it is definitely an element that has significantly impacted the public perception. I think the average person here would still consider the US an ally, but wants to be less reliant on the US economically and militarily.

  • It’s possible, but our current leadership couldn’t be anymore a US lapdog so it’s hard under them. That same leadership has basically controlled Japan since ww2 by the way, outside of one very short period. That party is increasingly dropping in popularity though. We have a large “communist” party, but after the red purges they’ve become basically socdems at the national level (I am involved in some local activities with them though and there’s good folks there).

    There’s definitely areas/leaders that are pushing back more and more against that, especially any area that has to deal with the US military bases and all the problems they cause. The governor of Okinawa in particular.

    With some radical shifts of leadership and maybe a couple more doohickeys, it’s possible. Maybe I am optimistic though.

  • I feel an urge to scream it into the world every single day just how much i despise ads and whoever invented them.

    If you are like me and just like reading history for fun, even the history of things like advertising, there is some actual interesting history there. Advertising goods for sale basically goes back as far as recorded history does. We have examples of adverts from the Song dynasty. These tended to be fairly innocous though. Basically just signs advertising a product sold at a shop.

    Modern advertising, the more invasive kind that we hate, unsurprisingly got its start in the US. All the advertising execs that basically set out with the goal of exploiting human psychology to sell product are from the early 1900s in the US/UK for the most part. Nielsen and the dedicated advertising agency came a bit later. Thomas Barratt (UK) was one of the worst, he famously bought the rights to a painting and then added a product he was selling to the painting. The artist hated it but couldn’t do anything about it.

  • It’s a whole lot of nothing. Technically it is supposed to check for torture, kidnappings, and murder of non-combatants. You know, all things we have evidence of Azov doing. They also passed “Israel” on the vetting.

    Supposedly it prevents the US from providing aid to specific units of countries with oppressive regimes, which is the US’s favourite pasttime. It doesn’t even do that though, because the Secretary of Defense can just bypass it for “special circumstances” (read: anything he wants).

    Even if it worked exactly like it was supposed to, it only prevents aid to specific brigades. Which means if the US gives aid to a different brigade and then it was passed to Azov, there are no violations.