• 10 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Lemmy is obviously very triggered by what you’re saying, presumably because speaking against lockdowns and furlough is very controversial. But you are largely correct.

    COVID cost the UK in the ball park of £360 billion, some estimates go as high as £410 billion, most of that was printed money. You can’t inject that much in to the economy all at a time where there is comparatively very little productivity and then not expect significantly higher levels of inflation, it’s economics 101.

    About half the sum in the headline, maybe a little more, can be directly attributed to how we dealt with COVID.

  • Devils advocate:

    If you’re known as a guy that loves Pokémon cards and people keep gifting you Weedle’s (one of the lowest powered and most common cards in the game), then after a while you’re going to be like “thanks guys, I know you want to gift me and to not just throw the card away, but these are worth literally nothing to me because I already have much nicer examples and I don’t need/want/have room for them, I’d just be throwing them away myself”.

  • I don’t disagree with what you’re saying, but whether you live in a capitalist, socialist, communist or what ever other types of economic systems are available, you need to be intellectually honest about what types of workers the society needs to be able thrive.

    How many historians do you want qualified before you would say, “maybe we should incentivise people in to things like medicine or engineering”, a hundred thousand, a million?

    Of course history is important, but there’s clearly a sensible limit to how many job opportunities there are for curators, archeologists, researchers, teachers etc.

    In the UK, more or less fifty percent of young people have a uni level of education but there are not fifty percent of vacant jobs that require a degree level education. It might be absolute lovely that my barista has a history degree, but they could have joined the workforce several years earlier, have dozens of thousands pounds less in debt and still had the opportunity to study history in their own time.