And why must I create a new ‘article’ to make a thread and not a post - which I think makes a new microblog.

I’m coming from a Mastodon POV, I run my own instance and have a pretty good idea (I think) about how federation works. The way ActivityPub is used is close enough to be familiar but also… not; very uncanny valley.

Additionally, if upvotes are favourites, what are downvotes? and how are they federated?

    1 year ago

    There’s a definition disconnect happening between Reddit refugees and more experienced Fediverse users. Identical terms seem to have different meanings here:

    Reddit: Kbin/Fediverse

    Post: Article or Thread
    Top-level comment/thread: Post
    Comment: Post
    Microblog (No real Reddit equivalent, profile posts maybe)
    Subreddit: Magazine
    Upvote: Boost

    Thus, making a new “post” is called creating a new “article”, while making a top-level comment (starting a new “thread”) or response to that article is making a “post”. Any other comment is also called “posting”.

    It’s confusing as heck, but it’s natural that a different social media ecosystem would have different terminology.

      1 year ago

      I’m trying to understand this comment, but i can’t get my head around it. Unfortunately I find the reddit vs fediverse table (is it that?) actually more a hindrance than help. It doesn’t format, at least where I’m looking from ( on web) so I don’t really understand what it’s trying to communicate.

      It would really help if you could describe what this hierarchy is. It doesn’t even need to be compared to reddit - just a clear explanation. Or of course a link to something that describes it plainly to those who are new to it. Thank you!

        1 year ago

        Kinda ditto. I just created a magazine, went to create content and wasn’t sure whether to add an article or a post—and whether it mattered. Somehow what I posted showed up as a microblog.

      1 year ago

      It’s extra confusing since if I click on the plus in top right, I get all of these as options. Wouldn’t that mean that all of these are just types of threads, as in article is a text post/thread, photo is an image thread, etc?

      Basically, thread = submission in reddit terms?

      And it’s just a comment, it’s never called a post in this context, at least based on the button that I’m about to click to send this? Top level comment doesn’t start a thread, right now it says that the thread owner is “VerifiablyMrWonka” whos the author of the whole thread, not the commenter.