Do you know there’s a #fediverse alternative to Amazon-owned #Goodreads? #BookWyrm is a social network for tracking your reading, writing reviews, and discovering what to read next. You can follow and interact with users on different #BookWyrm instances and on #Mastodon. You can import from a Goodreads CSV export. You can create private shelves and curated lists. Join us at or choose one of the other instances available #books #reading #bookstodon @bookstodon
Giving it a try. Import is slow, but I have ~1500 between my read and want to read lists so I can’t blame anyone for that.
Edit: importing isn’t too bad, but constructing lists is brutal. It was bad enough on goodreads with the list view, but this is untenable. It appears the only way to do it is to manually search for every title you want to add.