Sorry to utter the C-word in October, but I got into a conversation about this a couple nights ago where people seemed amazed that adults would still maintain a wishlist like this. I’m on the side of it’s totally normal, but maybe I’m wrong?
Personally despite repeated attempts, my mam and grandma will not stop buying Christmas gifts. So I set up a wishlist on Giftster and they just have it bookmarked. I go through and make sure it’s up to date a couple of months before Christmas or my birthday.
The husband also has a link to it so I suspect he falls back on that for inspiration quite a lot.
Normal or no?
I also do this. I’m hard to buy gifts for (I tend to be very picky and have generally expensive hobbies), so I think it’s polite.
See I’d consider myself quite easy to buy gifts for but that’s just because I’d be genuinely excited to just get a a gift card to a yarn shop or something! But my family don’t consider gift cards as “real” presents, so I have to get more specific.