While looking for a photo to use in the meme I just posted to [email protected] I found out that there are lots of groups and albums on Flickr dedicated to the beauty of kids with hundreds of thousands of photos and tens of thousands of members. And some of the pics include nude or semi-nude kids too.

It’s both funny and sad how in our sexophobic and puritan society you can recognize and admire the beauty of children even in the nude as long as you don’t “sexualize it” (whatever normies think that means). But the moment you recognize that this beauty can extend into the realm of sexuality you’re suddenly a “freak”, “groomer”, “degenerate”, plus a number of other nasty labels that non-MAPs like to put onto us.

The way society tries to inherently separate kids from sexuality despite the fact that many children enjoy exploring and expressing their sexuality and that a significant chunk of adults find kids attractive is nothing short of pathetic. I’m reminded of an excerpt from a book I once saw on Reddit: