Spoilers, obviously!




Saw the movie today. Went in completely blind, not even realizing it was a two parter. The animation style is stunningly gorgeous and unique. Just by aesthetics alone, it was a complete joy to watch. The use of colour was fantastic, including being a perhaps subtle hint that Miles wasn’t in his own universe.

The plot was fantastic. Full of the usual Spider-man quips that make his movies fun, yet also extremely touching (Gwen’s moments with her dad in particular). I wasn’t sure how they’d top the team of Spider-people from the first movie, but somehow they did it (with a whole freaking tower full of Spider-people).

The music was also fantastic. I’m gonna lookup a playlist for work tomorrow because there was a lot of bangers that were unfamiliar to me.

My only complaint is the lack of closure due to the “to be continued” ending. The chemistry between Miles and Gwen is great and has me excited for the sequel.

Honourable mention to the daughter of Peter B – she’s adorable.

  • dschibster@kbin.social
    1 year ago

    Right there with you. I was talking to some randos behind me and even they were like “yeah I’d be down for two more hours”
    It’s insane how the time just flew by and the art was amazing, loved it.