Hi all,

I started using the queue in my deluge install with the automatic rotation, as seeding 1000+ torrents simultaneously was causing performance and network issues. My downloads and uploads are a lot more active now, but the big issue I’m encountering is I will accrue HnRs on certain trackers when a torrent it rotated out of seeding.

Is there a way to force new torrents to stay actively seeding for X period of time? Even better, a way to force it only on specific torrents?

I do have an idea in mind of how to accomplish this:

  • Set up a watch dir for torrents that need to seed for lets say, 2 weeks minimum

  • Have that watch dir add torrents with auto manage turned off and add a specific “force seed” tag or something to identify them.

  • Create a script that will query deluge for the force seeded torrents, and if they have been added more than two weeks ago, turn auto manage back on and remove the force seed tag

  • Run that script on a cronjob every night

I believe the above should work, but it does seem overly complex. Any ideas?

  • ram@lemmy.ca
    1 year ago

    Ya, your problem is exactly why I switched from deluge. It’s just terrible at running more than a few hundred seeding torrents simultaneously. ^^;

    • mike901@beehaw.orgOP
      1 year ago

      What did you switch to? I’ve tried to give rtorrent a go, but config is a pain and rutorrent craps itself when you have a lot of torrents. rtorrent + flood is the most promising I’ve tried other than the obnoxious setup but I’m pretty entrenched in deluge and flood was pretty early in development when I tried.

      • ram@lemmy.ca
        1 year ago

        After fuddling around with other clients I eventually ended up back at qBittorrent.