I’ve only lived in Germany for a year and a half so if some more experienced Germans could tell me what I’m missing and explain why things aren’t so bad that would be nice, but it seems like this country is shifting in a negative direction politically from this polling data and it scares me.

If AfD ends up being the second biggest party in the Bundestag next federal election I’ll be quite upset but that’s how it goes I guess.

  • fragmentcity@lemm.ee
    1 year ago

    Now, I get it. No one wants to feel like they actually voted for the conservative outcomes

    This is projection. Can you conceive of someone with slightly different political values than yourself?

    A half-measure at best, and you know it, because as with everything they do, we only have bipartisan support if the wealthy get the lion’s share of the money. That’s how it was with Obamacare and COVID relief. It’s what they do.

    This is how you debate? “I’m right because politician bad”? Cite a source or two.

    That totally matters in a country where marriage policies exist mostly at the state level

    lol, with the small exceptions of my own tax bill and federal benefits.

    and the Supreme Court has already admitted they’re gunning for gay marriage next.

    Right…in which case federal recognition becomes critically important.