Hello all former LocalMonero/ Agoradesk traders!
We are introducing you to our newest beta feature, automated LM/ AG advertisement imports. Want to list your advertisements on Bitania, but find manually creating all of your ads again tiresome? Import all your old advertisements with one click. Scroll down on the dashboard under your advertisements list to find the “Import LocalMonero/ Agoradesk Ads” section.
Important notes
- You must already have imported (verified) your reputation from Agoradesk/ LocalMonero on the Bitania account you would like to import ads. To import your reputation, open a ticket on-site or message an admin on Telegram.
- We are unable to import dynamic price equations due to Agoradesk API limitations (Individual advertisement rates are hidden from public). This means you must manually edit or use the bulk edit tool to set the correct rates for your advertisements.
- We are unable to import first time limits due to a difference in how the two platforms manage this. Please consider adding these back manually.
- We are unable to import advertisements which use a crypto-crypto pair. Bitania currently only supports fiat-crypto pair pricing.
- Have questions or suggestions? Drop a message here, or open a ticket on Bitania and we’ll assist you.
Bitania platform: http://bitania2bmwnoqtjh5uttirc6hvtl4rn2wuokte4ttjkfsualziwvjqd.onion/
Bitania Telegram: https://t.me/bitaniaexchange
Uh, no. Fix it and I’d be happy to see what you got but…
Password may only contain Latin characters, numbers, and valid special characters.
No stipulation WTF that even means.
I have read and agreed to Bitania terms of service.
Link leads to 404