Incendies. It shocked me honestly.
I went to see Ne Zha 2.
Honestly such a stunning movie.
I watched the first one a couple weeks ago, and I was struck by it. It has some really cool and unique visuals, and it just had a very different vibe than American animated movies like it. Really enjoyed it, despite the super-weak English voice acting for the dub. I’ll probably watch it again in the original Chinese before the next one is released on streaming or physical.
As a word of warning the subtitles on Ne Zha 2 were pretty quick at times, but just slow enough to get a side peek at the visuals.
Watched a couple movies.
The Gorge - went in with low expectations and was pleasantly surprised. Some really cool designs for creatures and environment.
Story needed some refinement though.
Loves Hurts - I enjoyed it, but it was tonally inconsistent which really hurts the whole imo.
Watched The Gorge recently aswell.
Wouldn’t go as far as saying that i was pleasantly suprised, but it’s one of those movies where I use very different metrics compared to movies i go in with the expectation to watch something actually good. It definitively falls into the category of mindless entertainment, which despite the somewhat negative name has its purpose. In that regard it does fulfill it’s role adequately for me, which is really all i was looking to get out of it.
I’d agree that the creature/environment design was interesting. The biggest downfall of the movie is that it tries to be too many things at once instead of comitting to one single thing: suspenseful slow paced thriller, romance, horror, action, character study, historical mystery, and so on. Can’t be all at the same time and in the end everything suffers from it.
Tbh biggest suprise is that it’s an appleTV+ instead of Netflix movie.
Companion. I’m not usually a horror fan, but the story was really well written.
Sorry to bother you (2018)
It was good. A dark comedy about exploitation in capitalism and racism. Kinda crazy, but it was fun.
Behind the mask: the rise of Leslie Vernon (2006)
Also good. Another dark comedy. A slasher/killer movie…but from the perspective of the killer and the effort he puts into being a killer. Quite funny actually. Recommended.
The World‘s Fastest Indian - old guy builds a racing motorcycle in his shed and then takes it to a race.
The Ordinaries - A fantasy world where society is divided into lead (elite) and background (working class) characters, as well as outtakes (underclass). Very meta story about stories and class in society. Can be streamed for free, might need VPN to Germany.
I haven’t watched Indian in ages. From what I remember, Hopkins is great in it
I’m not a big movie buff, but this week I watched Sunset Boulevard and The Birds. Sunset Boulevard really impressed me.
Since my comment on the previous post, I’ve seen:
The Goonies (rewatch)
Pineapple Express (rewatch)
Nickel Boys (theater)
Flow (theater)
The Other Guys (rewatch)
Universal Soldier
My Big Fat Greek Wedding
Did a double feature with my S/O at the theater on Saturday with Nickel Boys and Flow. Both were very good in their own ways.
Lots of rewatches this week since I was just in mood to watch some of my goto comfort movies.
I’m pretty sure I’ve seen Speed before but it’s been so long and my memory of it is so vague, I’m considering it basically a first time watch. Great action flick. Keanu is goofy and fun as usual and Sandra Bullock is very charming in her role.
Universal Soldier was very dumb and pretty much a ripoff of Terminator. Very fun action flick nonetheless. Would be a good one to watch and riff on with friends.
My Big Fat Greek Wedding was pretty good. It was interesting that it’s a romcom that avoids a lot of romcom tropes and had an unconventional protagonist for the genre, but still works perfectly fine as a romcom.
Blue Beetle, it was made for me specifically 10/10
Is this traditional movies only or do feature-length YouTube ‘films’ count, too?
Unforgiven. Hackman in a solid supporting role. Eastwood as the retired outlaw was great. It was surprising that the most brutal violence was offscreen, and both us the audience and Eastwood learn of it days later, much like in the old west. Lots of steamrolled buildup to the few actual shootouts. Very enjoyable
I watched megalopolis(2024) and it was i think the worst movie I’ve ever seen