This one is both upsetting and weird.

So there was a user on who’s been spamming posts. Like a lot. 58 per day, on average. Not 58 comments. 58 posts.

I started seeing a little scattering of reports about it, mostly just figured it was the mods’ business to deal with, and then finally today I actually really took a look at what they were doing and realized it was way over the top. Pretty much everyone in the comments agreed when someone brought it up.

A 25 day old account with 1,400+ posts? What the actual fuck? My entire goddamn feed is this one account…

Touch grass. Good lord. You’re carpet bombing multiple communities with repeats of the same crap.

The user was not receptive.


I guess people here do not know how to block an account.


Is that a compliment or a rant?

May I introduce you to Lemmy block function.

If you don’t like my posts then block me and you will never see them again. As simple as that.

That’s a bunch of bullshit. The voting was about as you would expect. I said to the user:

That’s not how it works. If you’re interfering with the average Lemmy user’s experience, you don’t get to claim it doesn’t count because each individual person would be able to block each individual problematic account, if they wanted to have a good experience. Honestly, these people have a point. You have been posting an average of 58 posts per day. That’s too much. I post a ton, and that’s about 10 times more than me, and I’ve gotten multiple complaints about posting too much in particular communities. The handful of times it’s happened, my reaction was “Oh my bad what sounds like an acceptable level” and then to more or less stick to an acceptable level. Getting snarky with people who are asking you to cool it is very bad. Please stop posting so much. Anything about 10-15 posts per day starts to feel really excessive to me. Definitely don’t be dismissive about people’s complaints to you about it.

They rejected my suggestion, so I sent them a DM that was a little more direct about it: Stop doing this if you want to keep your account on my instance.

Then, for some reason, they deleted their account on their own.

Well, that was weird, but at least it’s all resolved and we can all get back to what we were doing. Or wait… what’s happening now?

I wasn’t expecting “making sure we make a safe space for the spammers by banning people who complain about spam” to be an important moderation duty, but I guess in the bizarro world that is [email protected] moderation philosophy, it makes perfect sense.

@[email protected]

    14 days ago

    Quite amusing that Cat deleted their account though. Exactly the sort of behavior you’d expect from someone just innocently posting content, right?

    Because an admin threatening to ban you for being too active is surely something that makes you feel warm and welcome there. /s
    This is the kind of reductive, uncharitable take you see on the VAC forums on Steam, I’m surprised you’re expressing such a baseless bad-faith claim here about said person, not a good look for you.

    I’m not surprised they deleted their account upon threatening to be banned for being too active, I would probably do the same thing. Especially with my past experiences with @[email protected], he seems like a pompous uptight control freak. Not the kind of person I want having access to my email address and my last known IP logins.

    If you don’t like me saying any of this about you @[email protected] you know exactly what to do about it 🔨

      14 days ago

      Because an admin threatening to ban tempban/limit you for being too active spamming


      It’s usually a mods job to help control spam. Deleting your account the moment someone points out your iffy spamming is, in fact, suspicious. I always found it so on my forum back in the day, anyway

    • PhilipTheBucket@ponder.catOP
      14 days ago

      This take is wild, man.

      Spamming: “Being too active”

      Responding to user reports, after a long time of deciding they weren’t my business and ignoring them: “control freak”

      Explaining the norms of the network this person is participating in, and backing up the consensus of the users of said network to try to address a problem: pompous bad faith reductive uncharitable threatening

      You can think whatever you like obviously but this is some Peggy Noonan shit.

      “How can you possibly say you DON’T WANT notifications about goods and services in your inbox, don’t you like getting activity? And messages?”

        14 days ago

        So let me get this straight, you think that I’m a rightoid because I disagree with you and would never want to share a server with you because you bullied and scared someone into deleting their account? Go fuck yourself Phillp I have nothing more to say to you. I didn’t like you when I met you and I like you even less now.