This really tracks for me. I grew up around wealthy liberals and am intimately familiar with how these motherfuckers think. I have been telling my friends for months that we cannot expect the Democratic establishment or our current batch of elected Democratic representatives to address the problem.

  • People are like “Don’t they understand that it’s a war?”
  • Most of these people think we’re idiots for thinking of it as war.
  • Their high spending donors think we’re idiots for thinking of it as a war.
  • They think Republicans are angry idiots who have to be negotiated with so we can “get on with business.”
  • They see Republican voters MAGAing and rioting on Jan 6th and they think “What a bunch of yahoos!” (my multimillionaire boomer dad’s literal words).
  • They see Leftist protests turning out en-masse and they think “What a bunch of yahoos!” (again, my multimillionaire boomer dad’s literal words).

My father has literally said about the second Trump presidency.

  • “This will all blow over.”
  • “You just watch, the system will slow all of this down.”

See, it’s not just our “elected dems in office,” who don’t seem to get it, it’s the entire leftish / center leaning, privileged ass, rich ass, mostly white, mostly older demographic, all comfy with their owning of multiple homes and their inflated stock portfolios and their rubbing shoulders with billionaires. We complain about the “elected dems in office,” because we see them out there being like this in public, in the news in front of everybody. But this whole demographic is like this and that’s why we keep seeing it.