Been through this before, so I know it gets better eventually, but what do you folks generally do to optimize beddy-bye time? To the insomniacs, what are some things you do in the wee hours/early morning for a relaxing start to your day?

This morning’s choice is checking out the music of Casiopea - saw them mentioned in a meme here recently, then later on saw one of my favourite gig spaces has a great local fusion jazz band doing a show covering them at the end of the month. Very chill, feels like menu music of a mid-90s Japanese 3D game in a very good way, lol. Funny how these things happen sometimes, kinda like seeing the car model you just bought everywhere on the road shortly after purchase.

    2 months ago

    You did very well to check and to share the info back with us. Thx.

    I should have known better than to use the word ‘daemon’, knowing its etymology and knowing what I meant to say. My poor choice of spelling was mainly caused both by my lacking English (and by me taking a lazy shortcut in my head), and by me not reaching for the Webster or the Collins dictionaries that constantly sit on my desk at arm’s reach, for that very purpose, right next to my French dictionaries. I’m really too lazy.