Non only sexual, just ridiculous, hilarious and cringe positions where if someone saw you, they were more than justified in thinking the worst situation.

    2 months ago

    I’m a man. Staying with my wife at mt sister’s flat while touring her city. Sister had 3 roommates. Went out and enjoyed the nightlife. Went to the bathroom in the dark at whatever o’clock and on my way back to our bedroom I went into the wrong door, and was in one of the sister’s roomates rooms. Got super confused and couldn’t find the door to the hallway again because there was all this kitch on the wall and I kept trying to find the door handle. Woman in the room was sleeping but she had a little dog that was growling and yipping at me, I was mortified at the thought of the woman waking up from the dog and asking wtf I was doing in her room so I just sat down against the wall and tried to find the door handle in the dark. Couldn’t do it. Dog kept yipping louder. Woman yelling dog to shut up. Her boyfriend called and they had a quick conversation in the dark, he was drunk. This went on for about 15 minutes before she finally turned on the lamp next to her bed and found me, arms around my knees, rocking against the wall waiting for the inevitable explosion and freakout. She couldn’t have been nicer and I left. We had a great laugh about it the next day when I apologized profusely over breakfast.

    I can’t imagine what 90% of people let alone 99.9% of women would have done in that situation but I appreciated how she handled it. Definitely top 5 “don’t forget you did this” moment my brain pulls up from time to time in mortification.

      2 months ago

      Reminds me of one time I was visiting my wife’s (then girlfriend’s) friends. I had a little too much whiskey and when that happens I sometimes sleepwalk. Apparently I got up to go to the bathroom, went into the primary’s bathroom instead of the hallway one, peed in their toilet (oh thank god I went in the toilet), and then proceeded to attempt to get into bed with my wife’s friend and his girlfriend.

      I awoke in an extremely confused state to the friend patting me on the back saying “come on buddy, let’s get you to bed”. We still laugh about it; that friend ended up being the officiant at our wedding! He gracefully left that story out of the ceremony.