
Donald Trump’s 2024 campaign has reignited fears among undocumented migrants with promises of “mass deportations” and migrant communities are bracing for uncertainty and a new wave of nativism.

His administration plans to target those deemed public safety or national security threats, potentially reinstating workplace raids and using military resources.

Advocates warn that “collateral arrests” could sweep up migrants without criminal records.

Many, like “Dreamers” protected under DACA, fear family separations, while others, such as Carlos in NYC, hope Trump’s economic policies might benefit them.

“A lot of Latinos, those who can vote, did so because they think he [Trump] can improve the economy. That would be very good for us too,” said Carlos, an undocumented Mexican who lives in New York City.

    4 months ago

    It always amazes me when people, even leftists, come up with arguments like „he won’t have enough judges to deport that many people“ or „camps need supplies. How would you do that in such a short amount of time for so many immigrants?“.

    These are plans by the same people that took children from their parents and put them into cages „supervised“ by thugs with batons. And they „lost“ a lot of kids in the process. And they bragged about it.

    If the rule of law gets absolutely destroyed by mass deportations/internments it’s a feature, not a bug to them. You don’t need judges if you have enough thugs who „just follow orders“ „for the greater good“.

    Likewise news of immigrants in camps lacking basic necessities, food and healthcare will just feed their lust for cruelty. And their base will be happy, because those immigrants „brought it upon themselves“, „can always go back to their home country if they don’t like it“ and „need to be a warning for others“.

    Nothing good will come of it. People here in Germany also though that Hitler guy was a bit of a joke, failed his coup attempt, and things „would never get THAT bad“. Spoiler: it did. And then some.