This is depression, alcoholism; it’s getting pretty late-stage. All of this is wrong, and everything I’ve gone through insists they’re fucking Reifenstahl.
Yes, I have mentioned her twice this week. It’s because it’s germane. I’m using that word a lot more, too. It holds a certain connotation.
But that aside, I do not want 988. I want a solution, not some attempt to make me believe rich people shall be my saviors.
That would be very much appreciated.
So, here we go…
My short list of things that seem to have turned things around for me:
And by “turned things around” I mean that I’ve managed to raise the floor of my personal hole enough so that my every day life actually kind of works. My economy is not wrecked. I have friends that call/text me to socialise and not only to keep tabs on me or check that I’m still around. I’m making plans for the future-future (so like 1-3 years not only for today or this week), stuff like that.
I’m not “cured”, I still get depressed for months some times, but it’s months and not years. And I let myself be depressed, for whatever reason there is this time, rather than bash myself for being depressed.
Sorry, this turned out more bloggy and preachy than intended. I hope you find something useful anyway :)
Since I decided to get involved in your life I would like to ask how you’re doing and if there is anything related to this topic you’d like to continue talking about (either here or in private - I assume there are some kind of PMs on beehaw).