I had a Pair run and pivoted to include Two-Pair synergy too. Throughout the run, I upgraded Pair a lot (Lvl 10 or so) and Two-Pair barely. If I play a Two-Pair, does the multiplier only trigger as if I played a Two-Pair or does it also trigger the Pair multiplier? Trying to figure out it if makes sense to invest in the pants joker or if I run the risk of losing because I don’t rack up enough points.
Edit: Ended up not going for Two-Pairs, unless I had to because of boss blinds, and got to 11/8. Pretty good :)
Makes sense. I wasn’t sure because Two-Pair also procs individual Pair jokers too even though it’s a “Two”-Pair
Jokers usually have wording like “contains a Pair”. Two Pairs contains a Pair but isn’t a Pair itself
The most frustrating one is that 4 of a kind does not trigger two pair
I believe two pairs is specifically stated to be of different ranks, like full house. Otherwise 5 of a like and flush 5 would trigger full house