This article almost exclusively cites untrustworthy sources affiliated with or otherwise funded by Israeli or US state apparatuses. It presents a narrative and zero questioning of its sources’ claims.
As a reminder, Israel’s allegedly sophisticated penetration and assassination was to (1) do supply chain terrorism on pagers, hitting a huge number of people, including physicians, and (2) use US-supplied bunker busters to destroy swathes of a residential neighborhood, including its inhabitants.
Both acts are the exact opposite of precision or sophistication. They are simply more depraved than most people normally consider acceptable.
This article almost exclusively cites untrustworthy sources affiliated with or otherwise funded by Israeli or US state apparatuses. It presents a narrative and zero questioning of its sources’ claims.
As a reminder, Israel’s allegedly sophisticated penetration and assassination was to (1) do supply chain terrorism on pagers, hitting a huge number of people, including physicians, and (2) use US-supplied bunker busters to destroy swathes of a residential neighborhood, including its inhabitants.
Both acts are the exact opposite of precision or sophistication. They are simply more depraved than most people normally consider acceptable.