Xia already gave you the quoted explanation for why you’re wrong, but everyone should watch the movie They Live, at least once. It’s a riot of a movie.
Fun fact: the Southpark episode “cripple fight” with that long ass fight between Timmy and Jimmy, their fight scene is a near blow for blow reenactment of a fight scene in They Live, between Rowdy Roddy Piper and Keith David.
Xia already gave you the quoted explanation for why you’re wrong, but everyone should watch the movie They Live, at least once. It’s a riot of a movie.
Fun fact: the Southpark episode “cripple fight” with that long ass fight between Timmy and Jimmy, their fight scene is a near blow for blow reenactment of a fight scene in They Live, between Rowdy Roddy Piper and Keith David.
Put these glasses on!
Hell yeah! Entire movie at freemium pricing.