Today I got gifted four cans of Tyskie directly chilled from Poland. Its one of my Favuorites - but you still don’t have Pfand.

You guys should step up and demand it immediately. Ecologically we admire + require you but still you don’t require returing back aluminium cans. Nor plastic/etc. bottles. And I am assuming neither at glass bottles.

You guys should go onto the streets for 100% compatibility with your silenced Neighbours. Lets strenghten our civilian bonds <3.

Its like the requirement of catalyst after 1999. The snow at last was white(ish) again.

    2 months ago

    In Sweden, 1kr (about €0.08) is added to the cost of the can at the till. You take your empty cans to a supermarket with a pantmaskin (Pfandmaschine) and feed them in, receiving a voucher redeemable against purchases. The machine works by scanning the bar code on the can and checking it against a database of products whose packaging incurs the pant deposit.

    IIRC, the machines come from a Dutch(?) company named Tomra and are also in use elsewhere (Norway has a similar scheme).