I have a few daughters looking for science and engineering programs in the next few years. They’re all scared to attend schools in states hostile towards women. I get that. I’m looking for recommendations for schools in states positive towards women that have good STEM programs.

  • foggy@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    If their STEM inrerest is computer science, I have a rare and excellent recommendation of Champlain College.

    Pros: In Vermont, very liberal, frats are frowned upon (only exist at UVM), Small city not very dangerous. Kids tend to smoke more weed than they do drink or experiment with drugs. The drug experimentation of choice tends to be psychedelics. Excellent CS program with a truly excellent track record for students working in their field straight from graduation. Excellent food, beautiful state.

    Cons: Vermont is seductive. Hard to leave; no good jobs. Also, expensive. Way more than you’d expect for being in the mountains.