If you believe that Trump fights for the people and is against the deep state, then you need to make sense of the following:

Trump was an active participant in the Qanon operation. Indeed, initially the Qanon narrative gained a lot of credibility through the Qproofs which were proofs that Trump and Q were coordinating through “cryptic messages”.

While some people still believe the Qanon narrative, many came to the conclusion that Qanon was a deep state psyop aiming to misdirect and discredit the pedogate/pizzagate research which originated from some Wikileaks documents. The operation had been quite successful as most people now believe that the pizzagate narrative originated from Qanon whereas the primary materials actually originated from Wikileaks (Podesta and DNC emails).

So considering that Qanon is a deep state psyop and Trump was actively participating in it. How can you make sense of the narrative that Trump isn’t a deep state asset and fights for the people?

So far, no one had been able to provide me an answer. That’s one reason that leads me to believe that the Trump assassination was most likely staged.

Also Trump referenced the deep state Qanon psyop after getting back on his feet.

Did you know that the “Fight, fight, fight” statement made by Trump right after his alleged assassination attempt is a famous Qanon reference?

Here is the proof:

https://qanon.pub/?q=FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!

https://qanon.pub/?q=Fight%2C Fight%2C Fight

Do you believe that Qanon is a legit anti deep state operation or a controlled opposition deep state operation?

That should give you a clue as to whether this alleged assassination attempt was staged or not.

  • cosmos
    8 months ago

    nobody up there seriously fights for the people, excluding rare exceptions that do some fighting. only people can really fight for the people.