Edit: alt-text: Reddit post in r/TrueOffMyChest
Title: my friend just transitioned but I found out she’s naming herself Mildred. I wanna be supportive but, fucking Mildred?
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Edit: alt-text: Reddit post in r/TrueOffMyChest
Title: my friend just transitioned but I found out she’s naming herself Mildred. I wanna be supportive but, fucking Mildred?
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What would be an example of #8? Are there names which gradually morph from one name into another over time? In what way could a name change such that the change doesn’t occur at a specific point in time?
That one isn’t saying that names change gradually. It’s saying that names can change at any time and for any reason, not just e.g. when a woman gets married or something.
Ah, that makes a lot more sense.