courtesy of

Instances that block

reject (10) ↘ monero.town2023-06-18 01:432023-08-21 01:37 ↘ monero.town2023-06-18 02:152023-08-21 02:08 ↘ monero.town2023-06-18 11:062023-08-21 11:15 ↘ monero.town2023-06-19 02:022023-08-21 02:05 ↘ monero.town2023-06-19 02:082023-08-20 02:12 ↘ monero.town2023-06-19 05:152023-08-21 05:20 ↘ monero.town2023-06-19 07:502023-08-21 08:02 ↘ monero.town2023-06-19 15:262023-08-21 15:46 ↘ monero.town2023-07-14 18:532023-07-14 18:53 ↘ monero.town2023-07-17 16:342023-08-21 16:51

followers_only (3) ↘ monero.town2023-06-20 01:232023-08-21 01:24 ↘ monero.town2023-07-30 02:382023-08-21 02:22 ↘ monero.town2023-08-14 09:302023-08-14 09:30

  • VolunTerry
    2 years ago

    That one gave me a laugh too. Good luck in your attempts to continue to express that free thought online moving forward into the future if you are relying on traditional finance to let you spend freely without censorship, surveillance and so forth, essentially crafting and directing thought and determining whether its expression will be free and placing limits on its reach.

    I see a lot of people out there still blind to the walls closing in. And the “money masters” for lack of a better umbrella term - central banks, world governments, big finance, etc - are one of if not the main tools used in forwardance of that.

    Those concerned about freedom of thought and freedom of expression ignore crypto at their own peril.